Thursday, September 24, 2015

More PhD Life Experience In My Dealings With Maricopa County C.P.S Services

Good Morning! I'm still plugging along here in Phoenix having a heck of a time with Child Protective Services. This latest case worker is a huge disappointment. All talk and no action. He's been on the case now for about three months. He makes monthly visits but that is all. He has not done a darn thing to help things move forward in this case. I fear I am stuck with a $272.00 bill for a preschool program that was D.E.S. approved and supposedly paid for. I have asked this worker to help me get this situation resolved but he hasn't even tried. I will be going to the school district to see if I can't find someone who can help me. If I don't get anywhere there, I will be contacting ABC 15 news to solicit help.
He was to put in place, a parent aide to supervise visits between my granddaughter and  my daughter.  Parent aides document progress or the lack thereof, and report to the court about visitations. They are liaison's between parents, children and the court.  This guy hasn't put an aide in place and as a result, my daughter hasn't seen her child for 6 weeks now. I don't even think that is legal and my daughter may be able to file a motion in court resulting in  CPS having to return her daughter to her immediately. My daughter has a call into her attorney about this.
This fatally flawed system has been shown to me in every dealing I have had with this department. Not one person employed by this dept. has been at all helpful! They have all been paper pushers and they aren't afraid for you to know that they are.  They put forth the least amount of effort possible to get a paycheck. They have made it hard for me to get information and answers to basic things.They have just made everything regarding this situation painstakingly difficult.
This state has so many kids in group homes. They bombard you with ads asking for people to become Foster Parents. It is easy to see why their is such a shortage in foster homes. Who would want to subject themselves to this system willingly? This fatally flawed anything but help to the kids, joke of a system. Who would want to be a part of this?
I asked this case worker yesterday about the upcoming hearing we have in early Oct. He didn't even know the correct city in which the hearing is to be held! I called my daughter to ask her if this was correct. She called her attorney to find that the location and judge had not changed. This guy is the most ineffective case worker to date! I can't wait to be done with my dealings with CPS! My eyes have really been opened to how bad it really is. My heart breaks for all of the kids out there who really have no one to care what happens to and with them. Awwww, what a travesty!
I am full of complaints but not a lot of suggestions as to how to make this better! It seems corrupt to me in some way.

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