Monday, August 14, 2017

A Super Hero Birthday Executed By My Super Hero Daughter

A Super Hero BDay Executed By My Super Hero Daughter

It's HOT and and it's difficult to get motivated in Phoenix. So much time spent trying to dodge the heat! Still things must get done! It finally rained here in our little suburb of Ahwatukee. The monsoon storms elude us for the most part here due to South Mountain. They usually skirt this area we have cloud cover with no action. It was nice to hear the downpour and rolling thunder in the distance! I took a two mile walk/ jog this morning. It was getting too hot… 91 degrees with a bunch of humidity so I came home at the 2mi. mark. 
The kids are off to school, I've done my grocery shopping and plan to spend some of my day gathering yard clippings, boxes and misc junk from around the yard for our bulk trash pickup next week. The city of Phoenix schedules these quarterly misc trash pickups. I always have things to put out…
This weekend was a mixed bag of crazy… my G-Son Aaron turned 5. My daughter had a wonderful party for him with lots of his neighborhood friends and cousins. My Amelia included. 

Plenty of activity and noise for one evening… Amelia and Kadee. Both are my G-Daughters.

It was nice to celebrate with them though! A good time was had by all as my daughter always does a great job with party planning and kid activities! She had a decoupage craft for them all to do that was the party favor. She bought big letters with the first letter in each child's name in attendance. They cut out super hero wrapping paper and decoupaged the paper onto the letter! Here is Amelia's finished project.
I thought this was a very special party favor! They have the memory of making this craft project as well! 
My daughter also made a replica of a super hero shield out of berries lol…it was so pretty!

My gosh she put effort and work into this party! I wonder where she gets it from, lol… The cake was adorable, a Costco cake. Delicious as well with plenty to feed her large crowd and a lot, left over! 

A great success! Way to go Brittany Paige! She is amazing!
A "Super Hero" Birthday executed by my Super Hero daughter! Britt works full time as the head secretary for a charter high school and, has a part time job as well. She is attending W.P. Carey Business school online at ASU! She will be graduating next year with a Bachelors Degree. Her kids are all doing well in school, I couldn't be more proud of this gal!
Here is a family slideshow set to my cover of Tender Years…
Have a terrific Monday!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Come Along With Me The Best Is Yet To Be

Come Along With Me The Best Is Yet To Be

Come along with me, the best is yet to be…
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Check out My BLOGs about life and living from my PhD in Life Experience…
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I have work to do so just #signme so I can get to it already… lol! 
No kidding, I want so very much to accomplish something with my music! I would love to contribute to music history!

Thanks for sharing and supporting my musical journey. I wish to help change the music industry stereo type! Age has no bearing on talent and appeal. Music, is subjective and thank goodness, we have plenty of music to choose from! Even suburban housewives can become rock Stars… Let's show em!!!! 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

An A For Effort And A Little Silent Lucidity

An A For Effort And A Little Silent Lucidity

This was taken during our Sunday brunch last Sunday. As you can see, Amelia was quite taken with her A pancake. We enjoyed making this huge breakfast on the new grill. We would use the grill more if It weren't blazing hot here in the summer…

Plenty is always evolving to do. Today, I find myself deep cleaning. It's funny the chores you can put off because the weather is too hot! I think we all kind of shut down in the stifling heat here! I have been generating music all week! Now that the kids are in school, I'm back at this!
Layla, Something In The Air, Great Gig In The Sky
This is how I started off my week, with some Silent Lucidity! I actually only had Tuesday and Wednesday to work on these. My husband is using up vacation time as it is nearly the new fiscal year and his vacation time doesn't roll over into the next year. Having to prepare meals, clean up after meals, do all of the chores, manage the kids and my first graders homework, showers, laundry, the cat litter box… lol you get the idea. It's a wonder I could sneak theses in on my channel! 
If you like what you hear, please subscribe to my channels and my Facebook Music Page. All under the name, Tyna J. Metzner. Thanks so much for your support of my music

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Try Try Again

Try Try Again

Try as I might, I haven't got a clue how to promote myself. Over the weekend, I put together a couple of short promo videos and a SoundCloud ad for my channels. Here, they are:
In my SoundCloud Promo, I used one of my original tracks in the background. I'll be damned if the one comment that I received was a person saying, "great ad but you could be more successful if you used my music in your ad." Lol, now that takes the cake!!! All of this promo I have done did get people looking at my YouTube channel. Lots of views but no new subscribers… All of this is becoming more clear and evident. The harder I try, the worse I feel about where I stand which clearly is, outside… I suppose I'll have to let go of the dream as surely nothing but frustration will come from trying so hard wanting so much with little gain. I will not however ever give up on the "Magic" and wonder I feel in actual playing. Sometimes the room just feels magical with the music. A spiritual experience for sure! That, is what I'm really hooked on. That special time when nobody is home. It's just me with my keyboard and I can sit for hours and give it all I've got… that, is the hook. The spiritual connection and the sense of self accomplishment…it's like a feel good drug! So, I'll still create, execute and post my musical endeavors. I wish I was better able to connect with others and gain a following along my journey. It would be my ultimate dream to be able to impart my well received music in music history. That surely is the goal and desire of any musician! When you have accomplished this, you have truly fulfilled your creative existence. I can only imagine what that would feel like! What would that be?! To be able to repeat that multiple time must be nirvana!
Meanwhile, life goes on. Elementary school started here on Thursday. Amelia started first grade. Zoe starts her sophomore year tomorrow. I watched a few of my G-kids everyday for about 3 weeks while my daughter started a new job…I baked cookies, fulfilled my Gram duties, school supply shopping, kept the household running, made plenty of nice meals. You get the point, I'm busy like the rest of you…Still, deep down, wishing and hoping for a personal victory to call my own. Wishing and hoping that the Rock God's would smile upon me!

The kids put a doll crown on this sweet and patient creature… she put up with a lot of extra attention this past month bless her doggy diva heart! Coco Rose is a treasure!

Clarice wore her favorite toy on her head as well… More crazy kid antics… 
I can't resist, I too am guilty from time to time of showering too much attention on the adorable creatures that reside here. Love em!
Have a great Sunday, fun day, hope

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Support From You Is The Glue

Support From You Is The Glue

The only thing standing between me and a major record deal is 20k followers lol…A major A&R label reviewed my music and told me essentially that if I develop my fan base to 20k or better I could be signed. They are watching me the next 6-12 months to see if I can do that. They liked me as an artist! Please help me and subscribe to my channels! YouTube-
I've been caught up in generating music! Haven't known how to build my fan base. I'd hate to miss out on something amazing because I couldn't get the followers! 
I'm a career homemaker/caretaker who dreams of contributing to music history! I want to be the brand and an inspiration to my generation. Never ever give up on your dreams! I want to change the stereotype of emerging artists! Musical ability and record deals aren't only for the young!!!! How bout the 50+ generation with a PhD in life experience! We rock too! Please show your support and subscribe to my platforms! 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Tick Tock Goes The Clock The Anticipation Is Mounting

My head has been in the clouds. The what if's, and a whole gambit of feelings and emotions. I suppose that is what the opportunity evokes in everyone. Maybe not just this opportunity but opportunity in general. Read my previous post for details on this specific opportunity... A chance of a lifetime...
Life hasn't stopped and I have plenty of practical, domestic distractions. The kids are going back to school in about 10 days so we are beginning the process of getting ready. I have been organizing and cleaning the heck out of the house. We bought a buffet/ cabinet. Perfect for my random old china.
Perfect for the space that I have. I am in love with this cabinet! This allows me to house all of my Mom's china. This began a whole sorting and organizing project of both my kitchen china cabinet and my dining room space. 
I also completely rearranged and cleaned my 6 year olds room. She really appreciated having a room makeover.
I decided that I would get going on the dental work that I have been procrastinating on. I will be spending some time in the dentist chair the next few weeks... Nothing major just minor work...
Of course, I will be spending more time at my keys brushing up on my music. So plenty to do! Why does it feel as if time is at a standstill? 

Tick tock goes the clock, the restlessness is mounting. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't sitting here doubting...
I find myself wishing on stars and praying with all my might! Hoping upon hope to change my plight. 
Lying in wait, while others decide my fate. Hoping they'll think that my music is great.
Reality creeps in, and I wonder where my head has been. 
Up in the clouds where you can create your dreamscape destiny! Only seeing the good and contemplating the very best in me.
That, is where I chose to dwell, self doubt, disbelief and naysayers can go to hell! 

Never ever give up on your dreams, you never know when Lady Luck wants to smile on you!

 I'm realistic, if this goes nowhere for me and they find me ridiculous you will find me under my dining room table for a few days. Embarrassed, humbled and full of sadness for the lost opportunity... the full gambit of disappointment. To never have tried would even be worse than all of that. A chance at success is worth risking failure. Throwing yourself out there is what it is, a roll of the dice...

Fool's Overture is written by Roger Hodgson

Have a terrific day, and remember that wherever you go, there you are, be present.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Sometimes It's The Small Embellishments

Sometimes it's the little things that thrill you as a cover artist. I was quite pleased with how this is progressing. It's a small little piece in the grandness of this amazing piece of music...I added a flute track very similar to Roger's original. It really adds a full and rich dimension to the beginning of this semi classical piece! 
I've been playing this song since I was 15.  I loved it the first time I heard it! 
Fool's Overture is written by Roger Hodgson. This is my forever growing cover...

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Wishing On Stars Boon From Above

Wishing On Stars Boon From Above

Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather… I’m telling you that the timing on this was almost surreal and incredibly personally gratifying! Couldn’t have been better. Some time maybe I’ll share my personal rather supernatural experience relating to the timing…
I received an email from the Executive Vice President of Warner Bros Records stating that someone from their team ran across my music and they wanted to invite me to submit my music for consideration to Warner Bros Records. I was stunned! I couldn’t believe that it was for real. I researched the email, the address, the VP to find that it is indeed for real…
I did exactly that, I submitted my music for consideration to Warner Bros Records. Pinch me, is this for real??? I was told that should they decide to want to sign and meet with me they will contact me directly. All expenses paid, air fare, hotel, transportation and food.  Could take up to 30 days to hear back because they have a ton of submissions lol, I can only imagine how many…
I’ve been sitting here wondering who ran across my music and decided that it was good enough to submit to Warner Bros Records! I haven’t ever approached a label. I’m not a young chick lol… I guess I thought that ship had sailed…
To have been asked to submit to a major recording label is the most significant nod/ boon I could have ever hoped for.  Whatever happens from here is not mine to choose. I am thrilled for the opportunity! It means more to me than you can imagine! Especially in light of the naysayers that surround me in my household. They, have yet to acknowledge my opportunity… my husband said, ” Let me know when I can quit my job…” wow…
Thank you Warner Bros Records for the opportunity!!! I have personally enjoyed every min of the experience! The email invite may be the gift in all of this! The moment will forever be etched in my mind.
Face 2 Face-

Monday, July 10, 2017

YouTube Channel Link Whatcha Think

Tyna J. Metzner Music
3 minutes ago
If you haven't already, please join me on my YouTube channel! It's a journey through time with original music as well. I've poured my heart into these songs. If you like it, please share it and subscribe to this channel.
I was a childhood savant. I could just play from about the age of 4. My sister had been taking piano lessons and practiced often. One day my mother came into...

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Wild Horse Pass Independence Day Bash

 Wild Horse Pass Independence Day Bash

                                      Wishing everyone a wonderful 4th of July celebration! May you enjoy good food, time with family and friends and patriotic tradition!
Here is one of mine. Saturday In The Park is written by Robert Lamm

We are celebrating  the holiday from Wild Horse Pass Resort. Some fun in the sun fully submerged. The only way to play in AZ today, going to be a hot one!

Enjoy your celebration wherever you find yourself in life… America is a great country and I’m so glad to be here!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Yamaha Take Me Away

Yamaha Take Me Away

Fool’s Overture (cover) written by Roger Hodgson 
I took a day this week to practice and practice! I very much needed this day as it has been far to long since I just lost myself, in music.  It’s amazing how rejuvenated I feel after a day to just play. Mind you, I played and worked on my music till my hands were stiff and sore. A good type of stiff and sore! So much of what we do here on earth is a mental challenge. To overcome doubt, insecurities and negativity is more than half the battle! Playing music is the one place in my life that I have all of the control. The one place that is my domain. I can choose to zone out or work on something intently and diligently. I can experiment with piano/ keyboard voices to achieve a different sound…I did that here. Everything that I played, was in “Vintage Case” keyboard. I like the definition of a grand piano sound better but I thought that I would just experiment and have fun…
Downstream & Casual Conversations- both are written by Rick Davies. Part of my Two For Tuesday campaign…
I posted this to my Facebook. Not my Music Page, just my Facebook…
This is a practice video… it’s raw and rough in spots. It’s, how I do my process. It’s in the works, and maybe if I played more, it wouldn’t have the flaws that it has… this is a Roger Hodgson tribute. I incorporated four of Roger’s songs here. Four of my favorite Roger Hodgson songs.
Two Of Us, Hide In Your Shell, Dreamer and Don’t Leave Me Now.
I am looking forward to playing more and getting back to writing. I need more focus and will have that again when school starts. I have been running kids around and worrying about running the household. Housewife/ Homemaking stuff lol. In my daydreams, I see myself differently…

“Yamaha, take me away”! My MOX8 is great! I do however wonder what it would be like to play my music on a grand piano… what would it be like to own one of those? Talk about lose yourself in the music! That, it what I envision owning a grand piano would be. Grand! A gal can dream

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Add Hot Flashes And Stir The Pot

Add Hot Flashes And Stir The Pot 

Patiently waiting for the monsoons to fire up. Day in, day out of this kind of heat in Phoenix. No real relief in sight! The air quality is so bad here right now as well. Yuck! Why do we live here again? Phoenix AZ is freaking HOT in the summer! My poor grass in the backyard is dead. We didn’t reseed / overseed with summer grass this year. We will try to establish once again, the backyard lawn in October.
Meanwhile, daughter Britt asked me to participate in a fitness class at her gym. I was able to keep up with the instructor but oh boy am I paying in soreness. I detest being this sore and stiff. I miss power walking already. Last week I was cranking out 3.5 miles at a stint,  tackling a huge hill within that. Ugh… This week the heat has been so intense that the community pools are like bath water. Not to mention that the warmer they are, the more likely they are to host Cripto and other pool related illness.  Living in the Sonoran desert during the long summers has it’s challenges! As prohibitive as winters are back east although you don’t have to shovel the heat.
Father’s Day and my Mother in-laws Birthday are both in this week. I decided to bake a few things for them. I made Craisin/ Orange loaf, Lemon Pound Cake and Boysenberry Cinnamom Strudel.

They really don’t want gifts and have asked us not to send them “stuff”. I did however want to recognize and celebrate them somehow though!
 I got my baking done by 10:00 am. before the intense heat kicked in. I shipped my goodies in a plastic shoe box that I bought for a dollar from my grocery store. I added a lot of light weight tissue paper to cushion my baked goods. I do so hope that it arrives in good shape!

Although my baking was done by 10:00 am, I had to cool, package, decorate and get this project shipped. Took my day pretty much. A labor of love… I tried lol,  I gave my all!
All Of Me- is written by John Legend whom I can’t stand. He is way too in your face politically, to a fault. He will hit you over the head with his political agendas. Yuck,  bluck and WTF…that’s what I have to say about that! I’m not even politically interested and have no real affiliation or interest in politics but he sure turned me off…
Here is what I feel about all of this political crap and the fallout! I wrote this poem regarding the political upheaval that is still ongoing with both parties! The great divide…
Clamor Conspire And Congregate-
Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most desperate of them all? “They” clamor, conspire and congregate. To what ends will they try to seal their fate? Divisive, cunning and thoroughly wrought- they truly think that success can be bought!
 For the price of one’s soul, is usually the toll. Oblivious, obstinate and utterly clueless, they wander the earth, become complacent and ruthless. Until one day they realize the void, become angry, and overly annoyed- For the impact of their strife to prosper, catches up with them and they count their losses. Greater are those, than monetary gain. Vanity and lack of humanity fan the flame…
When the ash settles around them and they return to status quo – they realize the err of their ways and, they secretly want “you” to know-
“They”, wouldn’t change a thing…
I guess I’ve had my rant for the day thanks for putting up with my heated post!

Even my hair is turning red, I’m on fire! Add hot flashes to the mix and I may just combust!