Sunday, July 30, 2017

Support From You Is The Glue

Support From You Is The Glue

The only thing standing between me and a major record deal is 20k followers lol…A major A&R label reviewed my music and told me essentially that if I develop my fan base to 20k or better I could be signed. They are watching me the next 6-12 months to see if I can do that. They liked me as an artist! Please help me and subscribe to my channels! YouTube-
I've been caught up in generating music! Haven't known how to build my fan base. I'd hate to miss out on something amazing because I couldn't get the followers! 
I'm a career homemaker/caretaker who dreams of contributing to music history! I want to be the brand and an inspiration to my generation. Never ever give up on your dreams! I want to change the stereotype of emerging artists! Musical ability and record deals aren't only for the young!!!! How bout the 50+ generation with a PhD in life experience! We rock too! Please show your support and subscribe to my platforms! 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Tick Tock Goes The Clock The Anticipation Is Mounting

My head has been in the clouds. The what if's, and a whole gambit of feelings and emotions. I suppose that is what the opportunity evokes in everyone. Maybe not just this opportunity but opportunity in general. Read my previous post for details on this specific opportunity... A chance of a lifetime...
Life hasn't stopped and I have plenty of practical, domestic distractions. The kids are going back to school in about 10 days so we are beginning the process of getting ready. I have been organizing and cleaning the heck out of the house. We bought a buffet/ cabinet. Perfect for my random old china.
Perfect for the space that I have. I am in love with this cabinet! This allows me to house all of my Mom's china. This began a whole sorting and organizing project of both my kitchen china cabinet and my dining room space. 
I also completely rearranged and cleaned my 6 year olds room. She really appreciated having a room makeover.
I decided that I would get going on the dental work that I have been procrastinating on. I will be spending some time in the dentist chair the next few weeks... Nothing major just minor work...
Of course, I will be spending more time at my keys brushing up on my music. So plenty to do! Why does it feel as if time is at a standstill? 

Tick tock goes the clock, the restlessness is mounting. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't sitting here doubting...
I find myself wishing on stars and praying with all my might! Hoping upon hope to change my plight. 
Lying in wait, while others decide my fate. Hoping they'll think that my music is great.
Reality creeps in, and I wonder where my head has been. 
Up in the clouds where you can create your dreamscape destiny! Only seeing the good and contemplating the very best in me.
That, is where I chose to dwell, self doubt, disbelief and naysayers can go to hell! 

Never ever give up on your dreams, you never know when Lady Luck wants to smile on you!

 I'm realistic, if this goes nowhere for me and they find me ridiculous you will find me under my dining room table for a few days. Embarrassed, humbled and full of sadness for the lost opportunity... the full gambit of disappointment. To never have tried would even be worse than all of that. A chance at success is worth risking failure. Throwing yourself out there is what it is, a roll of the dice...

Fool's Overture is written by Roger Hodgson

Have a terrific day, and remember that wherever you go, there you are, be present.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Sometimes It's The Small Embellishments

Sometimes it's the little things that thrill you as a cover artist. I was quite pleased with how this is progressing. It's a small little piece in the grandness of this amazing piece of music...I added a flute track very similar to Roger's original. It really adds a full and rich dimension to the beginning of this semi classical piece! 
I've been playing this song since I was 15.  I loved it the first time I heard it! 
Fool's Overture is written by Roger Hodgson. This is my forever growing cover...

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Wishing On Stars Boon From Above

Wishing On Stars Boon From Above

Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather… I’m telling you that the timing on this was almost surreal and incredibly personally gratifying! Couldn’t have been better. Some time maybe I’ll share my personal rather supernatural experience relating to the timing…
I received an email from the Executive Vice President of Warner Bros Records stating that someone from their team ran across my music and they wanted to invite me to submit my music for consideration to Warner Bros Records. I was stunned! I couldn’t believe that it was for real. I researched the email, the address, the VP to find that it is indeed for real…
I did exactly that, I submitted my music for consideration to Warner Bros Records. Pinch me, is this for real??? I was told that should they decide to want to sign and meet with me they will contact me directly. All expenses paid, air fare, hotel, transportation and food.  Could take up to 30 days to hear back because they have a ton of submissions lol, I can only imagine how many…
I’ve been sitting here wondering who ran across my music and decided that it was good enough to submit to Warner Bros Records! I haven’t ever approached a label. I’m not a young chick lol… I guess I thought that ship had sailed…
To have been asked to submit to a major recording label is the most significant nod/ boon I could have ever hoped for.  Whatever happens from here is not mine to choose. I am thrilled for the opportunity! It means more to me than you can imagine! Especially in light of the naysayers that surround me in my household. They, have yet to acknowledge my opportunity… my husband said, ” Let me know when I can quit my job…” wow…
Thank you Warner Bros Records for the opportunity!!! I have personally enjoyed every min of the experience! The email invite may be the gift in all of this! The moment will forever be etched in my mind.
Face 2 Face-

Monday, July 10, 2017

YouTube Channel Link Whatcha Think

Tyna J. Metzner Music
3 minutes ago
If you haven't already, please join me on my YouTube channel! It's a journey through time with original music as well. I've poured my heart into these songs. If you like it, please share it and subscribe to this channel.
I was a childhood savant. I could just play from about the age of 4. My sister had been taking piano lessons and practiced often. One day my mother came into...

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Wild Horse Pass Independence Day Bash

 Wild Horse Pass Independence Day Bash

                                      Wishing everyone a wonderful 4th of July celebration! May you enjoy good food, time with family and friends and patriotic tradition!
Here is one of mine. Saturday In The Park is written by Robert Lamm

We are celebrating  the holiday from Wild Horse Pass Resort. Some fun in the sun fully submerged. The only way to play in AZ today, going to be a hot one!

Enjoy your celebration wherever you find yourself in life… America is a great country and I’m so glad to be here!