Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Upbeat In The Face Of Defeat

This cake was beautiful courtesy of Walmart lol. Britt drove all over to find this particular cake! This was the only place that had a Star Wars cake.
Yesterday was Nathan's B-Day! 
His Mom hosted a lovely party for him that included 3 of his friends.

Nate with all of his siblings and Mom. 
It's always nice to be include in this large family! 
I also had a chance to visit with Lexie briefly in between cab pickups and drop offs for Alissa.
I hadn’t seen Lex for 10 months! Not since Alissa first came to us. It was bittersweet. I can see that this seperation, and period of time have taken a toll on my daughter. I know that it has been hard on me but when I hugged her, I could feel the depth of her pain. I could sense her feeling of utter defeat!  Oh God, that was hard! I can see the devastation! I so hope that we can all get back on track and just be a family! This has been a hard year on all of us! I am still waiting to see how we can all turn this into a positive/good experience.

I wish I could solve the problems in my own backyard! I just have to trust that things will work out as they are meant to? We just need to get through this bad patch!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Imagining A Life Free Of Mindless Paper Pushers

 Let the birthdays begin... I have two special G-Kid birthdays to recognize this week. Tonight is a get together for Nathan who is turning 8. I am going to Britt's, for pizza and cake this eve. On Thursday my Granddaughter Elizabeth is turning 6. I have been asked to make her cake. If you know me than you know that I mean to do well with my cakes. I am not a great decorator and so I am a bit nervous about the outcome of this cake. My daughter asked me to bake a cake centered around the movie Frozen. I have yet to even see the movie! Daughter Britt sent me a few pics from Pinterest regarding  color choices for the cake.
I did however, happen to have this castle cake mold from a few years back! I also happened to have a pretty scalloped cake board.  I am thinking that I will keep the cake rather simple. Britt bought a collection of Frozen figurines that I can use around the perimeter of the castle!
 I found the flags and printed them for free from Pinterest! I think these will look cute on the tops of the trees. I am going to do my darndest to make this cake special. 
In between the birthdays we have court coming up regarding my Granddaughter. I have had a barrage of paper pushing people, (who can't even keep straight my Granddaughter's name), making appointments with us so they can document that they came out? None of what I see has anything to with  the welfare of this child.
Court is next Wednesday...
My daughter almost had her daughter returned to her by default! CPS was supposed to put a parent aide in place to oversee the visitation. They didn't do that and as a result, my daughter's attorney threatened to file a motion for her immediate return! My daughter had not seen her daughter in 6 weeks! We Skyped  with her but that isn't the same as a real visit.  The case worker is now overseeing the visits and burning state money like crazy! He sends a cab for my daughter who is an hour away! She comes in the cab to pick up my granddaughter and then they both go to the caseworkers office. The case workers office is another trip across town for the visit. They do a return trip as well to both my home and my daughters home an hour away! The cab fare must be astronomical! They are doing this three times this week! We marvel at the expensive of this. This could have been avoided if the case worker would just do his job. It amazes me the lack of concern and the scrambling in this case. Why does it take a threat for someone to care enough to just do their job?
Imagine written by John Lennon 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Lunar Eclipse Left Me Wondering Who Controls The Stars

I took part in last nights lunar eclipse. What surprised me was how well you could view it with the naked eye from the suburbs! My neighbor and I, (and the kids) all met on the corner for a really good look. It was hot outside as we moon gazed! Can't wait for cooler weather here. Not going to get it this week as temps are expected to be around 107 ! UGH!
It was too hot to do the yard work this weekend that we had planned. We had an enjoyable weekend just doing fun little things. I had a chance to get out of the house with my youngest daughter for some much needed one on one time together.  I made tacos for the family while watching the Cardinals game. Great game against the 49ers! They didn't just win, they stomped them!  That Larry Fitzgerald is worth every penny they pay him! The Cardinals are looking good so far this season! 
After I cleaned up the kitchen, my daughter talked me into watching Harry Potter. I am probably the only person that hasn't watched Harry Potter lol. I just don't have the patience or attention span to sit and watch long movies. It was definately a Zoe weekend. I did however, enjoy the movie! I am commited now, to watch the whole series...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Treasures Of A Woman, Us And Them

A beautiful morning here in the valley of the sun. As you can see, it's about 7:30, Sunday morning as I write this and drink my coffee. I am pondering my estate sale experience from yesterday. I haven't really been to many professional estate sales, as I always thought them to be rather expensive. I saw them put up the sign on Friday as I was jogging by in my neighborhood. The sale was at a house right across the street from me. I just had to check this one out!
 I had seen the elderly woman who lived there, in passing. I said hello to her a few times while she was getting the mail. She kept to herself, and seemed leary of wanting to strike up a conversation. I knew of her a little from some information another neighbor had shared with me about her. She was an elderly woman who kept to herself mostly. She had lived alone and you rarely saw her. Her son lived in a different state and so I imagine she was very alone!
 I assume that she passed away, although no one running the sale knew the circumstances. I am kicking myself now that she is gone, that I didn't take the time to get to know her. I could have imposed myself a bit to see if she would have desired a friend. As I was walking around in her home, I found that she and I liked so many of the same things. She was a collector of seasonal décor beyond anyone I have ever known. Her treasures were beautiful and the things that she choose to have around her were precious and sentimental. Her books were of great interest to my book worm 13 year old. She found a beautiful poetry book and a collection of Shakespeare books that were a real find! I thought it interesting that both my daughter and I were wishing to know more about her. One of the books that my daughter was scanning through had a bookmark in a section on grief... I have a feeling that this lady had spent years trying to work through her own grief as she was alone for many years! I so wish that I would have just pushed a little harder to get to know her. I am sure she herself, was a treasure!

She left behind many "things" but hopefully she has found herself in a better place minus her grief...
I'm grateful for some of her treasures and although I didn't know her well, I have a sense of who she was now.  I feel that I missed out on a knowing a wonderful and
 special person! Here are some pictures of the estate sale treasures that I found at her home...

Pumpkin soup tureen...
This is a charming tealight candle holder for Thanksgiving...

Another darling Christmas tealight holder...
Precious Santa with his sack filled with toys.
This is the most beautiful Easter decoration! I am thrilled to add this to my Easter décor.

As I look over all of my new finds, it's a bit like the seasons threw up when displayed all together.
I will treasure these finds, I just wish I would have taken more time to get to know the woman who adored these first!
Us And Them written by Pink Floyd.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Monsoon Messes Midlife Crisis Lead To Tender Years

The past few days I've been taking care of family business. Bills and boring domestic chores of which their are many! I don't know how women that work full time get it all done?! So much to do! Even if you just do the basics! 
This weekend is yet again another yard clean up weekend. Our monsoon season has lasted far longer than in the previous 12 years that I have lived here in Phoenix. We need to rake the back and side yard to clean up the debris and leaves. In a few weeks we will reseed both the front and backyards with the winter grass. The hope is to have a really nice looking yard by Thanksgiving...
It is almost cool enough to put the dogs back into their dog run! This will eliminate the dog poop all over the yard lol. I wish I had a dime for every piece of poop I've picked up lol.
Creatively, I'm working on a few different seasonal covers. I have been at the keys looking to discover my next musical contributions lol... If I appear silly to you doing all of this music stuff, bare with me. I can attribute it all to my lost youth and a midlife crisis. Hey, there are worse things than 
public humiliation?

Tender Years written by John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band.
If I have any fans in support of this blog or my music,  I would sure love to hear from you! 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Halloween Crafting And Some Silent Lucidity

I had so much fun creating this silly Halloween hat. It was good to have just a mindless day. 
Here is the finished hat as the centerpiece I had intended it to be.

Making a silly craft is great to quiet the mindspeak.  Just creating something, anything feels good!

Silent Lucidity written by Queensryche 
Take some time out  for your own kind of Silent Lucidity!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

More PhD Life Experience In My Dealings With Maricopa County C.P.S Services

Good Morning! I'm still plugging along here in Phoenix having a heck of a time with Child Protective Services. This latest case worker is a huge disappointment. All talk and no action. He's been on the case now for about three months. He makes monthly visits but that is all. He has not done a darn thing to help things move forward in this case. I fear I am stuck with a $272.00 bill for a preschool program that was D.E.S. approved and supposedly paid for. I have asked this worker to help me get this situation resolved but he hasn't even tried. I will be going to the school district to see if I can't find someone who can help me. If I don't get anywhere there, I will be contacting ABC 15 news to solicit help.
He was to put in place, a parent aide to supervise visits between my granddaughter and  my daughter.  Parent aides document progress or the lack thereof, and report to the court about visitations. They are liaison's between parents, children and the court.  This guy hasn't put an aide in place and as a result, my daughter hasn't seen her child for 6 weeks now. I don't even think that is legal and my daughter may be able to file a motion in court resulting in  CPS having to return her daughter to her immediately. My daughter has a call into her attorney about this.
This fatally flawed system has been shown to me in every dealing I have had with this department. Not one person employed by this dept. has been at all helpful! They have all been paper pushers and they aren't afraid for you to know that they are.  They put forth the least amount of effort possible to get a paycheck. They have made it hard for me to get information and answers to basic things.They have just made everything regarding this situation painstakingly difficult.
This state has so many kids in group homes. They bombard you with ads asking for people to become Foster Parents. It is easy to see why their is such a shortage in foster homes. Who would want to subject themselves to this system willingly? This fatally flawed anything but help to the kids, joke of a system. Who would want to be a part of this?
I asked this case worker yesterday about the upcoming hearing we have in early Oct. He didn't even know the correct city in which the hearing is to be held! I called my daughter to ask her if this was correct. She called her attorney to find that the location and judge had not changed. This guy is the most ineffective case worker to date! I can't wait to be done with my dealings with CPS! My eyes have really been opened to how bad it really is. My heart breaks for all of the kids out there who really have no one to care what happens to and with them. Awwww, what a travesty!
I am full of complaints but not a lot of suggestions as to how to make this better! It seems corrupt to me in some way.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

See Smell And Taste All That Fall Conjures Up

She's back! I love putting this gal out at Halloween time, she dances, spins around and sings, I Put A Spell On You.
It's that time of year and, I love all this upcoming holiday conjures up.
I enjoy this holiday for all of it's whimsy and excitement. I look forward to scary movies and the suggestion of paranormal occurrences. The feeling and spirit of this holiday are my thing. I suppose it makes me feel a little closer to the people that I love and miss that have passed.
I think that this may be Zoe's last year of trick or treating as she will be starting high school next year! I haven't heard what she wants to dress up as, another indication that she is has outgrown this tradition. She has however talked about wanting to carve pumpkins. So maybe this holiday still holds some charm for her.

Don't know what she was thinking about but it looks deep and dark...
Lastly, I believe this could be me in a few more years...
She looks familiar lol...
Enjoy something of this fleeting season! "Pumpkin Spice" something, (of which their are plenty)!
The sights, smells and flavors of fall! Embrace the season and all the fun things that bring a smile to your face!


Monday, September 21, 2015

The Tides They Are A Turning Change Is In The Air

Good evening !At least it is here in Phoenix right now. It's about 6:00 PM currently as I glance at the clock. As I sit here, I have both of my cats at my feet staring at me...both vying for my attention.
These are my BFF kitties. I love them both so much and, they know it! Both are sweet as can be with different personalities.
 Click here on the link ➡️ Don't Leave Me Now written by Roger Hodgson

We are due for some good rain today and tomorrow coming from California. We could use it so I won't complain! I am really ready however for some cooler weather. We are melting here in Phoenix!
I am wearing my Gram hat today as I will be attending an award ceremony with my daughter for her son. Academic achievements are a terrific thing to recognize! My husband will be starting a master's program in Oct. He will be working toward a master's in business administration. Education is a wonderful thing!

Court is coming up in early Oct. regarding my Granddaughter who is currently living with me. I believe that she will be returning to her Mom after the court hearing. It has been 9 months that I have had her in my care. This will be a big life change again for all of us! I have mixed feelings and emotions about this. I will however be freed up to pursue making money in some capacity! I will have a lot more time and my life will become quiet yet again. I look forward to having some quiet time to ponder and find clarity. I have had this beautiful child 24/7 ever since May when school let out for summer!

I am working on a fun new cover for Halloween. It is in a genre that I haven't ever tried to do... I hope I'm up for the challenge. If so, I will post it around Halloween. It is fun to try different styles of playing. Not easy but a fun challenge! This will be different for me. I think that I have determined that I would be happiest if I were in a band. I don't guess that I'm cut out to be a solo artist. I think I'm better being a part of something good and contributing. I don't think I'm the whole enchilada musically. I'm great in a supporting role in every facet of my life.  I suppose I ought to look into finding/pursuing that special musical niche. I feel this in my music. I always envision my originals on a grand scale with full accompaniment rather than just a piano/vocal. That would be the biggest thrill for me... to hear my music in a fully arranged and mastered form! OMG!
Lost In The Game

Big changes for all of us are right around the corner, I can feel it!  Have a great Monday everyone!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Bake In The Oven Bake In The Sun Garage Sales Are Fun

Yesterday, I had a big garage sale. It was an exhausting process yielding very little money. I spent the past week gathering things to sell from the garage and, the house. My 13 year old likes to run the bake sale that I always put out, with the sale. I baked these goodies and I let Zoe and her friend Paige sell them.They did a great job, and sold quite a bit! I let her keep the proceeds. Between the baked goods and the stuffed animals that she sold, she made more money than I did! It was a good family project. We got rid of a lot of old clothes and things that were just taking up space. What we didn't sell, we took directly to Goodwill to donate. We met interesting people and a lady brought her well trained dog by to do tricks for us! My neighbors came by to say hi and contribute as well. One neighbor even brought a few things over for me to keep lol...It was a fun morning.
This well trained dog was very entertaining at our sale! He could do a lot of tricks and, he did lol. Here he is pictured with a treat on his nose awaiting approval from his owner to eat it... This lady was a hoot. She showed us his titanium crowns on his canine teeth...Explained that this dog even does commercials...

The money I made, goes toward my Christmas fund. I was able to start my Christmas shopping. I start early every year because I have so many Grandkids. I like to spread the holiday spending out so that it isn't one big expense and push at the Christmas. It has proven to be a lot less stressful this way!

My husband has said that he likes that I do it this way. Makes the holiday season so much more enjoyable! I am one of those Grams who thinks that new PJ's for Christmas is a good thing. I also get them a few toys... They have come to expect this from me. My daughters have told me that the kids look forward to new jammies for Christmas. I hope this is true lol!

My oldest came over with a few of her kids to sell some old children's clothing. Britt did the best of all of us. Kids clothing sells well at garage sales! She was pleased that she came over to sell with us. It was more fun this way too. It is still hot here in AZ! We were baking in the sun yesterday. We moved the bake table at least three times to get out of the sun. By mid September all of us in Phoenix are looking for a reprieve from the intense AZ sun and heat! It won't really cool down here until November!

Have a great Sunday all!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Dream Big Or Go Home To Bake And Bake

A Chocolate Cake that I made... have done a lot of baking in the past few years.

By far this was my prettiest Fall Cake. It was delicious too.

 Fall Pies are fun to bake. It isn't Thanksgiving without homemade pies.

Christmas cupcakes for the G-Kids

St. Patrick's Day Cookies

Patriotic Brownies

Cookies and cupcakes for Christmas for gifts for my neighbors.

Christmas Candy Cakes

Recently Korbin's B-Day Cake
Cheesecake that I made for my brother in-laws Birthday celebration
4th of July Cupcakes
Cat Cookies and assorted Cookie Bars

Halloween goodies for the special Goblins in my life.
I'm sure there are more but I just ran across these on my computer....
I wonder how many hours I have actually spent baking...I love to bake!
These are just a few things that I do to contribute to my family. To show that I care.
I suppose that I am not much different from a lot of Moms/Grammy's. I do my fair share of domestic chores and goodwill.
I do however want something back from my life of giving... I want this!
I want this so bad I can taste it lol. I crave this! I want to make money doing this! I wrote it and now, I want to live it!
Please share this, get it out there! Surely there is a place for this in music history...
Here I am still trying to figure out what I'm good at...

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Originals And Endless Mud Pies The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

Today was "my" day! I took the morning and into the afternoon to redo and upload my originals. All three of them. They are much better, I feel! So if you get a chance and you like to listen to my music please check them out. Here are the links...

I so enjoyed spending the day playing and singing my own songs! I still love them.

I'm glad that I made so much Mac& Cheese yesterday that I don't have to cook tonight!
I'm looking forward to my next music project!

I'm looking up all kinds of camping recipes online. Mostly through Pinterest. I want to come up with easy campfire delicacies that we can all enjoy.  
Camping is a lot of work but worth it for the experience? A lot of dragging food and shelter around. 
I remember being a kid, playing outside making mudpies and pretending that I was cooking lol. If I only knew then, how much cooking I would be doing in my lifetime! I always loved the idea of cooking.
Have a great Wednesday evening all.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Comfort Food Comfortable Mood Happy In My Skin

One of my originals, Lost In The Game...
I revisited my originals today. I played each one. I really like my originals! I feel that they are truly authentic to me! I really like the music and the sentiment here.
I also spent a great deal of time in my kitchen. I created some new recipes! I made a Mac and Cheese with a shallot, red pepper flake béchamel  cheese sauce. It was the best Mac I've made and I will do  this again!

 I also created a new dessert recipe that I call,
Salted Carmel Apple Pie Crisp
A variation/ combination of Apple Pie and Apple Crisp.
I started by peeling two different kinds of apples. I used both Golden Delicious and Gala apples.

I made a crust Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal crumbs and butter.  I baked the crust then
I added a little sea salt to my apple mixture.  I drizzled some carmel sauce on top of my apple mix of cinnamon, nutmeg a few tablespoons of granulated sugar and a few tablespoons of flour coated my apples. I made the traditional crumble with flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, oats and butter...
It really was delicious and I served this with a scoop of vanilla icecream. This really went over well and I hope that it will even taste better tomorrow as I have a lot of it left!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Working Hard Or Hardly Working That Is The Question

 My original, Something More Than Nothing
I'm posting all of my originals today. If you have the time, please give them a listen!

Lastly but not leastly...the goal is to write a few more before the end of the year!
Who Controls The Stars...
Thanks for reading my posts!


Monday, September 14, 2015

Don't You Just Love The Magic Of The Find

Could It Be Magic written by Barry Manilow
                            SoundCloud link here is better!➡️    Could It Be Magic written by Barry Manilow                               
The garage clean up ended up being a treasure trove of forgotten items. One in particular was an awesome discovery! The leaf to my dining room table. I bought the formal dining room set about 10 years ago when I moved into the house. I had set the leaf in the garage with a blanket to cover it. I had never used it! We pulled it from the wall and I insisted that it we bring it in. Yesterday my daughter and I inserted in into the table and suddenly I had this lovely huge dining space. I can comfortably serve 8-10 people! This was thought provoking! A chair had broken so I only had 5 chairs. I looked around at stores on the internet to see if I could find some chairs, to no avail.
My husband suggested that I look on Craigslist, so I did. I had assumed because my set was rather traditional that I would never be able to find a set of chairs that would be comparable. I was shocked and amazed to have found these on Craigslist!
Although they don't match exactly, I have staggered and incorporated them into my exisiting set. I think they look eclectic and I love em!

Out of this huge valley of people and places, this find was just a few blocks away! The family selling these are in my neighborhood so this was all just as easy as could be. As if by I wish all days were like this! I had so much fun with "the find"! I found this beautiful new 60x120 tablecloth at Ross for $12.00. Another find, I think it is beautiful! What a fun day I had!
I love a bargain and I love to live pretty. It is fun when both things come together!