Sunday, January 31, 2016

I Put A Spell On You The Cats' Perspective

Yesterday, I decided that I wanted go check out the iMovie app on my new iPad. I was hoping to find that I could edit my music videos and repost them to YouTube. I can't tell you how many times I have  wished for help in the production end of what I've been doing. I really enjoy creating the content. Not the whole production of it! I have yet to find a generous, forgiving and true camera lense. I always marvel at how fat I come across in my videos lol. I am not fat! If you were to see me in person you would be surprised to find that I am curvy but not fat! I know that I must not be getting the camera right when I'm sitting. Who knows but when I watch my own videos, they drive me nuts! Give me the talent end not the production end... God, I wish that I was good enough to have people for that! Stage me, direct me and for Heavens sake, make me look good, because I can lol!
Anyway, in playing with my app I came up with a Cat Video. I think that it turned out pretty well for a first attempt. 
Here is the YouTube Link if you are at all interested in my little home movie...

Click here for the YouTube video➡️ I Put A Spell On You The Cat's Perspective
The rest of life has been full of domestic chores. Getting the tax stuff together and done, gathering records to get Zoe enrolled in high school. All the administrative stuff that keeps the household going lol. 
I just learned on Friday that my Dad's wife has cancer. Dad passed away last Feb. so his wife is all alone. She moved back to Ohio in August, to be close to her family. My sister and I encouraged her to do so. She is really missing my Dad. Even though we were never close, I can't help but feel so sad for her plight! I'm sure that she is scared, lonely and just plain feeling left. Awwwww! 
Her situation is grave as her cancer has metastasized throughout many organs, lymph nodes and maybe even her brain. Ugh cancer!  

They haven't come up with a course of treatment yet as she is battling pneumonia as well. She herself 
called to tell me the news. I don't like helpless, it makes me angry when I can't fix things! Things like this, I have no answer for. Another one of those life lessons about acceptance of the things that you can't change!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

YouTube Prologue And Cat TV

Prologue/ Who Controls The Stars*******!
Here is the YouTube video for my newest addition. One step closer to that CD's worth of originals! I had fun beyond fun writing this little 50 second addition to Who Controls The Stars! I hope you will take a min to listen! Just click on the arrow on the pic of me and it should play!
Have a great Saturday! Give someone you love a kiss!
Her favorite channel!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I Want To Know You

Yet another awesome afternoon spent creating! I wrote a Prologue for my original Who Controls The 
Stars. Here is the SoundCloud link

I think this is what this song needed. A little frill and some creative help. I hope that you like it! If I have any fans, now would be an awesome time to let me know! I have been at this for awhile and it would be nice to hear from my readers/ listeners! 
Drop me a line!
I would love to get to know my readers! I see a few are reading my Blog from Germany, Poland, Ireland, Portugal, Canada, France even Hong Kong! The majority of my views come from the U.S.
I  hope to hear from you! 
I'd like to hear what kind of things you enjoy about my blog. What is it that keeps you reading? 

There's Not Time For Shyness

Till We Meet Again written by Chicago
I had a great time yesterday pulling a few songs together for my YouTube channel. I am in the process of writing as well. Just a great fun day at the keyboard!
Today I will also take some time to pull some chords out of the air and string them together to write a song. That is my process... Music first, lyrics last.
Nice to have a few days together to devote to my music!
Drinking my coffee... 

Hugging my special friend as well! Who takes a selfie with their cat? 
Not our best pic lol...
Have a great day all!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Till We Meet Again written by Chicago

I played all afternoon! Had a great time!
Here is my newest YouTube Cover Video
Till We Meet Again written by Chicago.
So sorry! I really thought you could click on the link that I posted! Oops!
Here ya go, this one you CAN click on!
Click below on the purple link. Thanks!🙃
Till We Meet Again written by Chicago. Cover by Tyna J. Metzner

Guitar Man written by Bread

I spent the day playing! I posted this cover of Guitar Man to my YouTube channel.
Here is the link.
I keep working at it!
So sorry to repost this, the link didn't load! So sorry...
Click on the BLUE Link! 👌 Man written by Bread. Cover by Tyna J. Metzner

Leave No Stone Unturned

Leave No Stone Unturned

         Have a seat! If you were to come for a visit, this is where we would sit to chat…Not fancy but comfortable enough. 
Can you believe all of the people dying of late in the entertainment industry??? I along with many of you, am feeling very vulnerable! Most recently Glenn Fry of the Eagles. David Bowie!!!! For some reason his passing devastated me. Laid me out for a couple of days and I didn’t know him personally. All of a sudden, the reality of age is becoming prevalent. I didn’t think about how old we are all becoming. The pressure is increasing to achieve the things on the bucket list. To leave an indelible mark upon this earth! What a way to start off the New Year…I’m still trying to pull myself out of this funk!
I’m not ready to give up on my dream of doing something in music. Today I finally have some time to devote to writing. I have decided that I want to write a CD’s worth of original songs. It would be my dream to professionally record them! That is how I want to leave my indelible mark upon this earth, through my own original songs.
Here is my start toward that CD! are the SoundCloud Links to my originals!
Who Controls The Stars
Here are the YouTube video links to these originals…
Who Controls The Stars
I have put a lot of effort, heart and soul into my music. These are truly a reflection of my spirit. I really enjoy songwriting!
All of this death and dying reminds me that we aren’t guaranteed time here. Time to tell those you love, how you feel about having them near and dear. Not only family and friends, those who have touched your life, even if you don’t know them! Teachers, mentors, bosses, you get the point. I’m going to write those fan letters to all of my favorite artists before it’s too late! The artists themselves, may not even care much about that letter. Who cares! If it means something to you to tell them how much something touched you heart, say it!  If they appreciate hearing  your kind words, all the better. Live your life in a no regrets state of being. Tie up the loose ends and keep em that way! “Leave no stone unturned”!
Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, January 25, 2016

You Know Like I Know The Cardinals Took A Terrible Beating

The food was good, the game was awful! The AZ Cardinals took an awful beating! I couldn't watch after awhile. Last I paid attention the score was 49-15. UGH! The last quarter I spent cleaning my kitchen. We had so much food that I don't need to cook tonight! I'm happy about that! 
The cherry tomatoes that you see here are from our garden. Grilled ribeye steaks, sautéed mushrooms, baked potatoes and a salad.
I couldn't wait for the game to be over! It was Downton Abbey night as well. 
I believe that the weather has turned. It feels and sounds like our spring. The birds are chirping away. The last few evenings we have heard the coyotes howling and yipping. Such a strange sound. Sometimes it is eerie! We have seen a few wild Javelinas as well. Last year the Javelina's came into my front yard and ate all of my flowers! I was sad about that! Makes me wonder if I want to buy and plant more. Growing things here in the dessert sure has it's challenges. Nearly everything that flowers  and does well here has thorns. Can't tell you how many times I have been torn up when trimming my bouginvillas and roses!
Zoe took her gifted test on Saturday. It was a 2 1/2 hour test! She was excited that she took it. She thinks she did well and says it was fun to do! Something I have never heard her say about a test. The results will come to us in the mail in a few weeks. I am so glad that I pushed for her to take it. I think it will be fun for her to know her strengths. The test will explain the areas in which they excel.
Back to work and school today. I plan on taking some time for me. A jog and some time to play are what I have in store today. After I pay bills, pick up Zoe's contacts and Howard's meds, clean the house, fix the vacuum. Make some appointments. Figure out our taxes...
Maybe some time for music today?
I'm sad that we won't be going to the Super Bowl! Larry Fitzgerald deserves the ring and the recognition!! Better luck next season!
You Know Like I Know 
SoundCloud Link

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Momentary Lapse Can Blow Up Your Path Choose Love

This guy really surprised me! He was sunning himself along the bank of our neighborhood pond. I spotted him as I was jogging by. I just had to get a closer look! I knew we had turtles in the pond. I took my G-Kids there specifically to look at the baby turtles last year or so. I was surprised to see them so big! Another turtle was also there until he heard me and dove back into the water. I love that these turtles have grown up and are big now. You can't tell but I would say this guy is about the size 
of a salad plate. Don't you just love that my scale of measure is in dinnerware lol. This little friend is adorable and I'm glad to know that we have these creatures in the neighborhood to go visit!
Our local high school had a bit of unfortunate publicity on Friday. National attention was given to a picture that a group of girls posted spelling out a racial slur. I'm not even going to dignify the word by telling you what it is. I will tell you how sad this is for our community! So much bad press for our little town. This happens to be the school that Zoe will be attending come next fall. This community is very diverse in cultures and ethnicity! Hard to believe that these preppy looking gals would put these letters together to spell this, then pose with smiles on their faces! The parents of these girls must be so upset. I hear that these gals lost their scholarships and face possibly being expelled!
I have lived here for 11 or so years now. Although I know Ahwatukee to be culturally, diverse - I have heard the words All White Tukee murmured in jest and jokingly. I suppose this is the misconception of our community. Look around town and you will see how diverse! I'm embarrassed by the  thoughtless actions of these kids. With social media clamoring for these unfortunate moral judgement mistakes I see how quickly this became so widely known! One horrible lapse in judgement can blow up your slated path! I'm sure these girls aren't laughing now, what a shame! 

I Believe In Love, written by Elton John.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

M.O.M. Matriarch Of Many

Window watching! 
Yesterday was a hodge podge kind of day. Nothing eventful, just the everyday norm. Today Zoe is taking gifted testing. This test is offered through our school district for free! The testing assesses a child's propensity for ? I have no clue as I am not sure what criteria determine giftedness! She has 
been a straight A student throughout her education experience. She tested in to advanced language arts and math classes before she even reached middle school. Throughout junior high, she has maintained straight A's even with the advanced courses. Zoe is part of the Junior National Honors Society. We have never had her tested for giftedness, we are curious to find out if she is! 
This need to know comes as she is about to sign up for high school classes. The 8th graders have to pick high school classes for next year, this month! The reality that this little gal is really growing up is really starting to hit home. She will be in high school next year!

Here she is with her friends at our recent Christmas party.
The outcome of this test is more for our own information. As I said, I'm not sure how they measure/assess this.
We are very proud parents no matter the outcome of course! Having been through the teenage years with her three sisters, I know we will need to pace ourselves. We have a lot to try to accomplish in the years before college! The next four and a half years will be busy! I am beginning to see a time where the nest will be empty... Then what will my excuse be for not doing more with my own life? I'm having fun living vicariously through my grown kids and my husbands continuing education process. 
I always feel as if I have a PhD in "life experience ", from the School Of Hard a Knocks!
The continuing education from that school is never ending! Just kidding. Mine is the role of support... I'm the cheerleader, and the sounding board for all of the students near and dear.
After all, I am MOM...
(Matriarch Of  Many)

" Critics Choice " written by Chicago.
When we look back on our lives, I suppose no one is as critical as ourselves. Accomplishment as well as beauty lie in the eye of the beholder!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Lets Try This Again And Again

New YouTube video
Click below on the link...

➡️Songs I Could Play By Ear As A Kid In The 70's
I have a great time with the moments I steal playing my Yamaha! I love you Yamaha, thanks for my MOX8! Awesome, awesome keyboard!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Don't Leave Me Now Clarice

Clarice had been hiding behind my throw pillows when I walked into my room. So cute! I was lucky to get a pic before she took off!

What a busy day full of domestic chores. Inside and outside.  I've been all over this house and patio today. It always feels nice to have a really clean house! I scrubbed, swept and cleaned all day long. I put Christmas away a while ago but, I hadn't done a deep clean since the holidays. 

I took a little time to play today as well. I recorded this and posted it on my SoundCloud channel...
Here is the link...

 Don't Leave Me Now written by Roger Hodgson.

Some days you just want to play... Roger's original is very complex. My cover is just an instrumental taste of the original...
I love Roger Hodgson's music!  I have the utmost respect for this wonderful composer/ songwriter. 
It's still my great dream to meet this man one day. I see nothing in his tour dates that would suggest that he's coming to Phoenix, AZ any time soon. Awwww. I really hope that I get to fulfill my dream someday!

 A bucket list desire of mine for sure! 

Clamor Conspire And Congregate

Fitting in this election year as well!

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the most desperate of them all? "They" clamor, conspire and congragate. To what ends will they try to seal their fate? Divisive, cunning and thoroughly wrought- they truly think that success can be bought!

 For the price of one's soul, is usually the toll. Oblivious, obstinate and utterly clueless, they wander the earth, become complacent and ruthless. Until one day they realize the void, become angry, distant and overly annoyed- For the impact of their strife to prosper, catches up with them and they count their losses. Greater are those,
than monetary gain. Vanity and lack of humanity fan the flame...

When the ash settles around them and they return to status quo - they realize the err of their ways and,
they secretly want "you" to know-

"They", wouldn't  change a thing...

This can apply to any highly competitive aspirations. I wrote this with all of us wanna be musicians in mind. Although I don't consider myself one of these persay, I can relate to the desire for success! Now that I have watched the 30 Seconds To Mars
documentary, what are we all clamoring for?!

Something More Than Nothing

Click here on the link ➡️ Something More Than Nothing (my original)

Monday, January 18, 2016

My All Temp-tations Dinner And Downton Dessert

I started by making this Pineapple Upside Down Cake in the 13X9 inch baker.

Flip it over and ta da!

Flipped it over and onto the 13x9 inch lidit...(platter)

I wanted to bake something that my husband would actually eat. He doesn't like cakes or cookies. I knew the pineapple would sell it to him. He very much enjoyed this! I wanted to have a dessert for our Downton Abbey night. I serve tea, and a little something, every Sunday while we watch the final season of Downton.
Dinner however, was a process just as any dinner is lol. I wanted to use my Temp-tations ware. As you can see, I really did! Many pieces just for one dinner...

Looks like a lot of butter on those yams doesn't it! 
I left some in the pan...I just wanted to coat my yams well.

Prep, bake, serve and store!

Meatloaf prep...

Look at this beautiful loaf pan. The Temp-tations ware lol...

Here is my finished dinner, all in Temp-tations ware! 
Few things thrill me as much as these new serving pieces lol! Don't know what that says about me, showing my age? 
This lovely serve ware, cleans up easily and stacks well for storage! No, they aren't paying me, I just love the stuff! 
I wanted some seasonal pieces awhile ago. They were offering beautiful seasonal pieces that would come to you quarterly. Each piece for each season. I didn't jump on it and as a result, when I ordered, I was on a wait list. I checked online at QVC nearly daily to see if it was coming back into stock. I  got a notice that it was not available. I was sad... They said something about they may distribute more in January.
I'll keep checking!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

It Was A Win Win Saturday Evening

Delicious Pho Ga and a Vietnamese Crepe. This is a very filling bowl of soup with a lot of rice noodles. 
This dessert is the perfect coconut milkshake with lots of jackfruit and jellied fruits.
Thai Dessert

Yum, the perfect weekend meal!
This is the first time I have tried this drink. I will order this again! I apologize that I didn't get the name of the Vietnamese restaurant. It was in Vietnamese and I didn't note it.
The dessert however is from one of our favorite places in the Mekong Center called Tea And Snow. They sell Asian style drinks from Boba to Shaved Snow (coconut milk ice cream). What a nice treat!  
After dinner we came home to watch the big Cardinal game! I watched long enough to see the Cards get a touchdown. 
Howard and Zoe enjoyed the game together. Ended up being a great game and a nail biter at the end! 

Smug and thrilled that our Cardinals are advancing! One more win next week, puts us in the Super Bowl ! Wow, I suppose that I missed a really good game. I for whatever reason, decided that I wanted to try to record a few songs to my SoundCloud Channel... So, I did just that. I haven't posted anything to my SoundCloud channel since I acquired my new PA. It does sound more clear running my vocals through the speaker rather than the amp. This is what I did rather than watch the game lol. 
I think in a few spots, you can hear Howard and Zoe cheering! 

I decided to do my Bowie cover, Win
* Click for SoundCloud link ➡️ Win

Also my own original, Something More Than Nothing
* Click here as well ➡️ Something More Than Nothing

This is how I spent Saturday evening and, I loved every minute!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Who Controls The Stars

I'll Just Close My Eyes Real Tight And Dream Of You

I wrote this about longing and loneliness. Romantic fantasy! I hope that you like it. Valentine's Day is right around the corner. A perfect time to reveal your secret crush, whomever the recipient! Maybe not so secret?

Who Controls The Stars 
Written by Tyna J. Metzner

I know I am contradicting yesterday's post when I say "Romance", isn't dead. I guess the interesting part is figuring out how best to show romantic love. 
Be it a big gesture or small, it's always appreciated (or should be). 
When I think back on these lyrics, I realize that they are so sappy! I blush! Romance is about blushing! 
Who Controls The Stars written by Tyna J. Metzner

The time is here, I wanna pull you near. To look into those eyes and, feel your touch tonight- my love, tonight. 
Time to put away my fears, and wipe away, the tears. I'm so glad to be with you, and everything you do, delights me so, my love-
Who controls the stars, I want this night to last forever- I don't want to move, I just wanna stare at you, and the stars, forever-
So don't wake me from this dream, I guess I'll wish upon stars, a little longer-
If only in my mind, it's just a matter of time. Till my dreams will all come true, and I will find you, for real one night-
I'll just close my eyes real tight, and dream of you, tonight!

Omg, so sappy lol!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Love Has No Boundaries Costs Nothing To Touch

Coffee inspiration, and boy is it good today! I so look forward to my one cup! Gathering my thoughts and ideas. 
I had an interesting convo yesterday with my 27 year old daughter. She has gone through a period of time separated from her husband. They married young and never had a chance to be young, so I wasn't surprised. We all knew that they would both go through the what ifs and, the what did I miss phase. I thought it interesting, that with all the hell they put each other through, they decided to chalk it up to a learning experience. She said they had a talk and at the end they high fived each other and said, " we
really F*$!'d up" !They both talked about what they perceived and learned while apart. I wish them the best as I have always thought them to be a power couple! I hated watching them try to tear each other apart. I'm grateful it was short lived! The falisy is that your kids grow up and you go on your merry way. Not so, you always worry about and hurt with them when they are hurting. Sometimes,
it's hard to watch them stumble and fall! I have advised them as adults but I don't lecture or condemn. They are adults and they need to learn and grow right along with the rest of us. Life lessons
and the journey come to all of us.

The most interesting part of the conversation was her take on love and romance. I wish more people
would talk about the reality of what it really becomes after a period of years. The excitement fades and you move into another phase... Great respect for one another being there and a deep friendship. She realizes that you don't have to stay in a state of  nirvana to have a good marriage. In fact, little of marriage success has to do with romantic love.

She told me the grass isn't greener somewhere else. The thought of having to put the time and energy in to grow the grass somewhere else, is not so great! A life experience that can't be taught and is
learned only through the experience. Marriage is hard! Honestly, I'm not a big fan! My husband said
jokingly that if we won the lottery, he'd get a divorce. That stung for a brief second lol! I don't doubt that's how he feels that way as I can second that! Marriage is a pain in the a**!

All kidding aside, lotto fever hit a lot of us this past week. All of us having our dreams... We talked at length about what we would do with a ton of money... We decided we would buy Soda Springs Ranch, or a multi acre property and turn it into a grand place for people to vacation. Have a few guest houses and a nice homey and beautiful lodge. A secluded resort with a wonderful restaurant! Fishing, golf course, horse trails, shooting range... How fun it would be to create that environment!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hindsight Retrospect Woulda Shoulda Coulda

Clarice couldn't be any cuter if she tried. This cat is soft, adorable and so Siamese. Snarky best describes her personality at times. She does occasionally decide to give hugs and love freely. Sweetest kitty with an uncanny knack for ping pong. Extremely charming meezer!
Notice Twink in the backround looking at me...neither cat was interested in me, it was the milk from my cereal that they really wanted...
I was remembering my band days as a teen. I was in a rock and roll band called Blackland Freight. I played keyboard and sang backround vocals. I was 14 and most of the guys were juniors. I was fortunate that the were all really nice guys that viewed me as a little sister! It was all about the music and it was so much fun, I couldn't believe it! We were making good money and I remember thinking "I can't believe I get paid to have so much fun!" A very nice time in my life!
During my Blackland Freight days, my band bros liked the way I did this song , it became my solo. They would leave the stage, it would become all mine and for a few minutes, I was all alone out 
there. Mind you I was 14!

" You Know Like I Know "
Written by
Ozark Mountain Daredevils 

That band dissolved into two different bands. I didn't want to choose my loyalty to either. I loved them all like bros. 
One of the bands ended up recording an album and touring in a bus they bought!  Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I zigged instead of zagged... 
The choices we make, we never know if they were the best, except in hindsight! 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Business School Of Lemons To Lemonade

This is a pic of my daughter Britt. She graduated last May from Rio Salado, a local community college. She started Arizona State University this fall. I was thrilled to get this fwd. email from Britt yesterday...
*Warning, Proud Mom moment! Britt is tearing it up @ ASU, W. P.  Carey School Of Business!


It is my great pleasure to inform you that you have earned a place on the Dean’s List in recognition of your exemplary academic performance during the fall 2015 semester.  Dean’s List recognition is awarded to students who were enrolled in 12 or more credit hours and earned a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for the semester.  You should be especially proud of this designation because it acknowledges your place among the top undergraduate scholars at one of the country’s most highly 

acclaimed business schools.

The combination of your personal dedication to academic excellence and the national recognition of the W. P. Carey School will be a valuable asset when you complete your education and move into the business world.  We are proud of you and pleased that you are building the foundation of your future at the W. P. Carey School of Business.

Again, congratulations and best wishes for continued success.


Dr. Amy Hillman

Dean, W. P. Carey School of Business

Arizona State University

She's tearing it up @ ASU! I'm so proud of her! Couldn't help but post this! She works full time, is a great Mom to four kids. Great sweet daughter! So very proud of her!!!

I am amazed by this beautiful person and all that she accomplishes! She has four beautiful kids...

Liz, Nate, Aaron and Tom! 
Britt has had her share of heart breaking obstacles to overcome. Things that make or break you! As her Mom, I have watched and felt each heartache along with her... She has taken every damn lemon thrown her way and is making the most delicious vat of lemonade! I couldn't be more proud of her! OMG I'm bursting with pride and adoration for this gal!

* If you look back into my post archives, you will see a post or two about how hard life was for Britt after a serious burn injury to her daughter Lizzie's leg occurred.  Britt had to withdraw from school for a few semesters to tend to all that unfortunate mess was, physical, legal and very emotional! I remember her lowest point... Feeling as if she would never make it through...

This makes the acknowledgement of this achievement even sweeter! 

I'm as proud as can be today!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Black Cat Blackstar And Dark Days

I'm still trying to shake off the news of David Bowie's passing. The video Lazarus, his parting video, 
has me so sad! Never have I seen a more depictive, distressful and macabre music video. This man was tortured/ haunted by the thought of his own demise. Maybe we all would be in his predicament. Ugh! That is sure not what I or anyone would have wanted for him! Ugh! I didn't know him personally, so why do tears keep streaming down my face?
Today I simply must get going on some projects that I have pending.  Organizational skills are required. Luckily, I am good with this.
My kitty has not begun insulin yet. I am preparing our finances for this. I am planning to begin the treatment process next week. I have however changed her diet. Her coat is just beautiful! 

She is beautiful! So much love comes from this cat! 

Praying For Time 
It's a dark day for me...
Maybe a jog will help! I want to shake this off! 

Monday, January 11, 2016

I'll Cover Your Head Till The Bad Stuff Breaks

Win Written By David Bowie
"My cover" of Win.
I'm not going to pretend that I knew anything personal about David Bowie. In fact, my only knowledge (other than what I have read), is all my perception and what he meant to me as an artist. I loved Bowie. Every strange quirky personna and rhythm track. Beyond talented and insightful artist whom words won't adequately describe. If I ever could have, I would have wanted to tell him how grateful I am for his contribution to music history. All of his artistic value on pop culture that he leaves this world with. What would it have been to be that Icon? Yet he was just a man whose life was fraught with what ever Demond's, phobias and crosses to bare, just like the rest of us here. 
Still this creative genius appears to have had to endure and face his mortality with great contemplating. He leaves his final album intitled "Blackstar" to us. Listening to it in it's entirety today, I feel I have a sense as to his inner turmoil about his demise. The last video he leaves, us "Lazarus"...

Leaves me with a true sense that he was really struggling with his own mortality. To me, it's very dark! I see nothing hopeful in his thinking other than to be free as a bird. Other than that, it appears fearful, deceptive and as if he felt like a puppet.  Angry with God because he had called upon his "ass" (so he says),when he was down and out. In the video you see him writing frantically. As if he really had so much more that he wanted to say! In the end he gives us one last glimpse of Bowie dancing ...he then becomes fearful and goes into the closet... Very figurative in my mind. "Ain't That Like Me", are his last words to us...Omg...

I'm stunned as many are of my generation... He's gone!
I so loved you David Bowie. Thanks for giving us your unique talents and musical efforts-

My favorite David Bowie song wasn't even a big hit. It just touched me beyond tears. 
Never Let Me Down.

The lyrics of this song offered hope of a great friendship. Something I really wished to have  to help me  through a really dark time in my life. On some level, it gave me great
comfort .  These are lyrics that stood out to me so personally...
When I needed soul revival, I called your name- Your soothing hand that turned me round, a love so real swept over me...
And though my days were slipping by- with nights so cruel, I thought I'd die-
She danced a little dance till it made me smile, she was shaking like this honey doin that-  she never let
me down...
Lastly, this phrase brought me to tears then and now... 
When you've got nothing coming, call my name- when all your faith is failing, call my name. I'll be strong for all it takes, I'll cover your head till the bad stuff breaks-  I'll do my little dance till it makes you smile,  shaking like this honey doin that. Never let you down, I'll never let you down!

Awwww R.I.P. David Bowie

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Us And Them Diabetes Is Diabetes In Every Species

Here is our new vet. I put out an S.O.S on the Ahwatukee 101 Facebook page asking for help in finding a vet for Twink. A very nice lady answered my plea for help. She had a diabetic cat that she had treated at this clinic many years ago. She even offered to help me with the insulin shots to get me more comfortable. In my early 30's, I worked as a vet tech for a brief time so, I think I'm good with the injections, although I haven't ever given my own sweeties a shot. Also, the pet glucose testing I have never done. Have to purchase a glucose testing machine and needles... A lot to this in expenses.

Twink and I will be very familiar with this clinic as we will be spending lots of time in and out of here. The process of getting her insulin level adjusted properly will take tweaking and fine tuning.  It will be a process. I even told the vet I was a blogger and I asked if he would mind me blogging about my experience/journey with this. He was sincerely fine with it and even chuckled.
I won't get into this much today, except to say, their is a lot to this diagnosis. A lot that I will have to manage to insure that Twink does well! A real commitment to my BFF. Gone are the days of setting a plate of dry cat food down that would last them all day. Things will be changing greatly with my routine.
Twink is very healthy other than her sugar levels. All other labs are very good. Even sick, she maintains a beautiful luster to her coat which the vet remarked about. She looks wonderful for her 13 years...
I was encouraged to hear that the type of insulin this vet uses has a high success rate in regulating the 

blood sugar so well that pets can go into remission. Remission can be achieved in a period of 6 
months and they can be weaned off the insulin! Leaving in place, the special low carb diet of 7 grams or less of carbs. He gave me a listing of the available canned cat foods which have 7 grams or less of carbohydrates. Believe it or not, many fall within that range! The list is extensive and has all of the brands out there to choose from. Not a requirement to buy expensive food from a pet store! 
I'm looking forward to seeing my cat feel better. She has been sluggish for awhile. It will all be worth it when I can tell that she feels better!

Some days, you just want to zone out and play...let your mind go... Very relaxing!

Oh The Things You Can Do With Your Hands Beyond Octaves

I'm right handed....

I got to thinking about all that these hands have done and will continue to do... They are worn and showing their age yet I insist on pushing them to work hard in every endeavor/task I pursue to accomplish. These hands have changed plenty of diapers and washed many dishes. If I had a quarter for every dish I've washed, every mess I've cleaned up, cat litter box I've cleaned...I would be a wealthy lady! Gardening in the dirt without gloves...I have done that lol. Crafting, I have enjoyed everything I have made and done with these two hands...
I think it's safe to say that I have earned the right to take the time to use my hands to do something that I cherish doing...
Click on this link for my SoundCloud cover ...

                                      ▶️ Fool's Overture written by Roger Hodgson (my cover rendition)
I'm grateful for these hands, and everything I have been able to do with them beaten, used
and wrinkled.  They are still working for me! So much more yet to do!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Twinkle Darling Her Diagnosis Is Alarming

I just found out today that our cat Twinkle, has diabetes. She is 13 years old. I am so sad you can't 
imagine! They are telling me that if I decide to treat this, the testing needed to get her regulated on 
insulin will be extremely costly. I ended up shelling out $200.00 for the diagnosis today. Most of it lab fees. We have some thinking on this to do as it could be hundreds of dollars spent getting her regulated on insulin. It sounds as if the lab tests are the greatest portion of the expense. So sad! I have no idea which way we are going to go on this. She is the most precious cat! The sweetest cat ever really!

Here she is with Clarice...

In mid meow...looks vicious but she's so sweet. We have some talking to do. If I had lots of money and it wasn't an issue, I would opt for the treatment the vet told us about that can actually cure feline diabetes. I asked if it was expensive and our vet exclaimed jokingly that it was pricey. Just how costly  I wish I had asked! I will call tomorrow just to see... I don't know if I can see two insulin injections a day... Although if it would really be a solution to her health issue maybe I could... I would want to!
Ugh... I have a lot of reading and phone calls to make regarding my BFF and her health issues.
Poor kitty! You can tell she doesn't feel well. She drinks and drinks water like crazy. She urinates so much that I have to completely change her litter almost daily. You can't scoop the litter, it's just a muddy mess. Awful! 
Wondering if I can really get a handle on this health issue for her! Awwww damn!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Champagne, Tea And Apple Pie For Three

This was so pretty! I don't drink so I nursed this glass of champagne for hours. My friend Melanie served this to me at her place on New Years Eve.
Our New Year's Eve was pretty quiet. We had a terrific buffet dinner at Talking Stick Resort. Pretty pricey but everything you would want to eat was there! Nice meal! After dinner, Zoe and I went over to our dear friends house to hang out. I was home by 11:00 pm. We rang in the New Year with Sky Lanterns. If you have never seen them, you really should. You light these large, brightly colored lanterns, make a wish while they fill with air and then let them go up into the sky!
They rise way up into the atmosphere, disappearing from sight. Enchanting to watch really!

We each got to launch one. 

Today was everyone's first day back to school and work. I was glad to take a little time in between putting away Christmas for a YouTube upload!
Here is my cover of I Believe In Love, Written by Elton John.
YouTube cover video➡️
My hope is to write more originals this year. One of my goals for this year! I love the feeling of writing songs! It's very personal and therapeutic to write. I can't wait for the next creative ephihany 
lol. They come to me in spurts. 

I have been pet sitting for the last 10 days! No comment other than the pets were sweet and I'm ready to be done. I have been going over four times a day to feed and let the dog out, feed the cat. Clean the cat litter and feed the fish. Like I said, no comment-

Zoe and I were thrilled to watch the first episode,season 6 of Downton Abbey last night. We absolutely love this series! I made tea and baked an apple pie for our viewing party.

Orange and Spice Tea and Apple Pie...First time using my Downton Abbey tea service! 
I am serving tea every episode.
It's the little things I hope Zoe will remember when she outgrows us. She is quite a teen a now. I'm grateful that we have something in common to connect with!

Have a good evening!