Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Flavors Of Your State

The Flavors Of Your State

Now what? I’ve hit an artistic lull. I have no irons in the fire. No ideas for projects of any kind…The quiet within my self. No noise going on here. I’ll just have to change that! 
My attention has turned to getting an education about what gently used mini vans are out there for purchase for a great deal. Car buying is on the agenda possibly this next month. Long overdue since our current van is 17 years old! Eight years ago I was so angry and finished with this van, that I had daydreams of driving it into the desert and shooting it full of holes! It has lasted 8 years beyond that. Limping along and being the worst eyesore! A paid in full eyesore. Car payments and higher registration fees are the trade off. It’s hard to believe that by next Dec., Zoe will be learning to drive. We decided that we need a van because Zoe is in team sports and we seem to be driving more kids around now. We want to be able to take comfortable road trips as well. California is our go to destination for vacations. SUV’s are way too expensive. A mini van is the compromise. So, the search is on! 

This seems to be the only Pot of Gold that in my future so I will search out the best deal I can find. We are thinking another Chrysler Town And Country 2015 or 2016 model is in our sites. 

I have named my leprechaun O’Malley…Amelia adores this guy… I could use a bit of luck! This being the last day of February,  I figured I could acknowledge this guy. I love to decorate for holidays. St. Patrick’s Day is no exception.

Meanwhile, a friend of ours sent us a very sweet gift from New Orleans the other day…

This was a very special Cake to receive. My first experience with “King Cake”. As you can see from the pictures, this Cake came with all kinds of little Mardi Gras souviners. Beads, a magazine, an explanation about the origin of the ” King Cake”. A tiny ceramic figurine, a package of French coffee. A very nice presentation! I feel as if we got to experience New Orleans! Now to find the same kind of indigenous to Arizona collection of delectables to send back to her for fun… Prickly Pear jellies and a nice assortment of Arizona salsas maybe? I got to thinking that it would be kind of fun to pick a friend on your Facebook friends list and start a chain of this representation of goodies from the state that you reside in. Collect goodies or and send them to a friend in a different state to enjoy. A random act of kindness. Share your state. How fun!
Anyway, we sure enjoyed the gift of the King Cake and it has inspired me to want to share a bit of AZ with an out of state friend. If you can afford it, try sharing something special,a flavor from your state with a Facebook out of state friend. Would love to hear from you about what you would choose to send to represent the flavors of your state. Have a great Tuesday! 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

If For No Other Reason Than To Say I Did

If For No Other Reason Than To Say I Did

This week has just been a jumble of different tasks and responsibilities. From parent teacher conferences, making dinner early so that Zoe and her friends can eat before Lacrosse games, attending the games. Taking them here and there for practices… Getting our taxes done and all of the gathering of paperwork… Paying bills, pulling all of the weeds… oh my gosh just busy every min. 
Still, this silly fool wanted to get something of my own creation into the Folger’s Jingle Contest. The deadline is just a few days away…I’m not particularly proud or thrilled with my submission but I am in there! I finished my submission yesterday. I don’t think I’m going to post it here… I ended up feeling really silly. I almost think it’s comical. Utterly corny and a bit over the top. I wrote it in my songwriting style and it’s authentic to me. That is about as much credit as I can muster. It’s moody and maybe melancholy, not as upbeat as it should be. I could second guess my submission all day but I did try and I put forth effort. If “Lady Luck” wants on smile on me, at least I’m in there! I’m thinking probably not my best work… I looked at a few of the previous submissions and they were all young adults. So I decided to throw caution to the wind and not care too much… I just wanted to get something in there! Just to be able to say, I did that once! Almost a bit of rebellion  and maybe some sarcasm. I understand that I don’t fit the stereotype or demographic they are trying to attract. I just wanted to put in my two cents! 
As I mentioned in a previous post, my “Rose Colored Glasses”, are off about what I had hoped I could accomplish in music. Kind of freeing not having anyone to impress. My musical contribution is all for me.  Whatever I want to do, if I suck at it who cares! It’s my musical expression and my right to post it lol. If anything, this revelation frees me up to take creative risks without fear of failure. I hit rock bottom with my SoundCloud channel. I checked my stats and for the first time in the two years I’ve had my account, I had zero, -0- plays for the day. It doesn’t get more sobering and real than that! The musical side of me is just something I don’t want to let go of. The last little bit of individuality that I have. Other than music, I am just whatever anyone in my family needs me to be…I suppose that is how so many women feel, I’m not alone!
This, was my turning point… I poured my heart, fingers and being into this intro/song…it isn’t at all of interest to anyone but me so…I get it!!! 
I also incorporated an orchestra track for a more rich, grandeous and polished composition… no one at all took interest… I get it, I suck! I just don’t want to suck lol…I wanted so much to be good!
Zoe had her first two JV Lacrosse games this week. Her team won them both! Go Thunder!!!!

Here is a pic of one of the meals I made for a few of her friends before the game.  Trying to get meals into sports kids is a challenge when they don’t have much time between school, practices, games and then homework! This is new for me, being a sports Mom.

Author: tynajoymetzner

I've been a stay at home Mom for many years...Have earned a PhD in life experience. My oldest is 30 and my youngest is 13. On a quest to see all that I can be now. I am a musician, singer/ songwriter. In the process of trying to become marketable. Would love to make money doing what I love! I love to do many domestic things also. Nothing I do seems to be profitable. Guess I am at a point in life that I would like to be compensated . My whole life I have given freely. Now, show me my money making niche. Still in the process of figuring that out.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My Palm Springs Day Trip Peter Cetera @Spotlight 29

My Palm Springs Day Trip Peter Cetera @Spotlight 29

Palm Springs California!

Hello CA., I’ve missed you! I was on CA. soil for just a day and a half. My husband and I went to see Peter Cetera @ Spotlight 29 in Coachella. We had purchased the tickets about three weeks ago but suddenly realized we could find no local lodging! Busy weekend there! We found a listing in Airbnb. We stayed at a mans home in Cathedral City. It was a good location and thankfully not far from the Spotlight 29 Casino in Coachella. It was also pretty close to downtown Palm Springs as well. The host was a very nice older gentleman. His home and the room were adequate. He was very hospitable. It worked out well. We were grateful for the accommodation!

It had rained like crazy on our drive to California. They had a crazy wicked storm the night before. Thankfully we missed the worst of it. I thought the fog around the mountain was an awesome sight. We had dinner in  downtown Palm Springs. It was our hosts referral. Italian place. We weren’t impressed with our meal so I won’t bother naming it. We ate outside on the patio just at sunset.

I enjoyed browsing in the shops up and down the street. I found a few Palm Springs t-shirts for the girls. I collect coffee mugs from the places I visit and I found one to take home.

The concert was good. Peter Cetera was adorable. I love that he talked a lot about his career and some poignant moments. He was so personable. Such a talented and accomplished songwriter! I have only a video on my Facebook page of the concert.Here is the link, https://www.facebook.com/tyna.phipps/posts/10212526088333559. We had pretty good seats. I could see Peter clearly. It’s fun to sing along when he’s right in front of you. He is touring with a great band as well. Go see him! Spotlight 29 is a great venue! Go have fun there!
After the concert, we ended up at a dance club. Haven’t danced in a nightclub for years! Everyone there was about our age. So fun! On the way out, I found a really fun slot machine. Had a bunch of fun playing this slot. I ended up losing the $20.00 I threw in it. Took an hour and a half to lose it though. Fun!
Before we left town, we had brunch in downtown Palm Springs… we walked around until about 2:30 pm and then started our trek home.
We had already eaten when we found this place…darn. The pastries were so beautiful and such a variety. I had to get some pics! We didn’t buy anything as we had no way of getting them home… next time! What an amazing assortment!

Just beautiful! What a place!
Our drive home was LONG because we were so tired and so full from the terrific Sunday brunch we had at LuLu’s there downtown.

My view on the ride home to Phoenix.

Palm Springs is but a memory…a very nice one! 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Wherever You Go There You Are

Wherever You Go There You Are

A couple new uploads. I had to stay home and wait for the Peter Cetera tickets to arrive. I had to sign for them. I took the opportunity to play and practice.
Do You Dream Of Me written by Michael W. Smith
It was Wednesday, an early school day for the girls. My Granddaughter gets out of school at 1:00 pm on Wednesdays. Zoe follows an hour after that. Lacrosse practice everyday. A bunch of running around…grocery store, dinner on the table- routine.
House-written by Elton John
My kind of work. I should be focused on getting that Folger’s jingle written lol. I only have a about 10 days in which to enter the Folger’s Jingle Contest. Just for fun, I want to know that I did that once lol. I know plenty of talented musicians and songwriters will do that. I do however, want to be among them. My Grandson asked me why I’m doing that… I had a conversation with him about trying. I made sure that he heard you should always try to pursue your dreams. Even if for no other reason than knowing that you tried. Effort and energy toward something, is always a good thing. Even if you odds are stacked against you! The universe needs to see your effort toward what you want to achieve. That, is being true and authentic to yourself. Also, positive energy flowing through you in a direction helps to make one feel purposeful. Even Grammys of 7 who in real life, are just caretakers. So try, I will! Korbin is musical himself. He loves “Choir”. He just had a performance at school that I attended… 

Anyway, whatever your passion, sieze the day! Throw some energy and effort at it, you’ll feel better! Have a good day and remember, wherever you go, there you are!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Splendor Or Unrequited Love The Day Of Grandeur

Valentine’s Splendor Or Unrequited Love The Day Of Grandeur 

Yet again, more cookies! I baked homemade Valentine’s Day cookies for my kids and Grandkids yesterday. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day so I will need to take some to my daughter at work. I will stop in only for a minute to say hi to her then turn around and drive the half hour home. Valentine’s Day, the day of love. All kinds of love, not just the romantic sappy kind of adoration. All kinds of sweetness! 
Speaking of romance, I get to go see a very romantic songwriter. Peter Cetera!  One of my faves from the 80’s and 90’s. I adore Peter’s songs! What a big hearted man he must be. His lyrics illude to a man who loves with his whole heart. He is playing in Coachella @Spotlight 28 casino this Saturday. It is a 4 hour drive from Phoenix but a nice mini vacay.  It will be a nice change of scene. 
I plan to get out there and take care of my own ❤️ today. I have stepped up my power walk jog to include a big hill. The pump is about 5-7 minutes up this hill. I have been doing this hill 3-4 times a week for 2 or 3 weeks now. Ends up being around 9-10 miles per week. I’m thinking the incline is probably better for me than my flat route. I get some intense thinking done too while tackling the uphill climb. Something about an uphill climb makes you feel as if you are accomplishing something?
I have enjoyed the decor and my surroundings…I do enjoy baking and making pretty tasty treats! I have had fun showing love and affection through baking. I’m glad however to be finished with baking projects for awhile. 
Heart shaped cookies coming out my ears! My helper in all things, Amelia.

I’m all ready for Valentine’s Day…are you?  I would love to hear from my readers what types of traditions and or fun plans you have to celebrate. How creative do you choose to be this year?
If the weather is nice, I may plan a meal on the patio for tomorrow evening. We have to attend a guitar/ orchestra performance at the high school tomorrow evening.  Zoe will be playing with her guitar class. 

When I think about romantic love, these cover songs come to mind. 
I’m In You- written by Peter Frampton
Downstream- written by Rick Davies
I even wrote my own romantic song. This belongs somewhere, in a sappy but cute, Hallmark channel movie. Unrequited love…that is what this original speaks about. Ever had a crush but the person of your desire doesn’t seem to know you exist? 
Face To Face- my original

Roses from my front yard. 

This beautiful front yard tree, full of bees buzzing… 
I hope in your pursuit of love today, you are met with ample adoration. May you find just the kind of love that you are looking for. Enjoy this Love ❤️ filled day! Whatever you do, watch out for the Lover Boy-“He used to have a problem but he got it fixed”.
Happy Valentine’s Day!