Monday, January 25, 2016

You Know Like I Know The Cardinals Took A Terrible Beating

The food was good, the game was awful! The AZ Cardinals took an awful beating! I couldn't watch after awhile. Last I paid attention the score was 49-15. UGH! The last quarter I spent cleaning my kitchen. We had so much food that I don't need to cook tonight! I'm happy about that! 
The cherry tomatoes that you see here are from our garden. Grilled ribeye steaks, sautéed mushrooms, baked potatoes and a salad.
I couldn't wait for the game to be over! It was Downton Abbey night as well. 
I believe that the weather has turned. It feels and sounds like our spring. The birds are chirping away. The last few evenings we have heard the coyotes howling and yipping. Such a strange sound. Sometimes it is eerie! We have seen a few wild Javelinas as well. Last year the Javelina's came into my front yard and ate all of my flowers! I was sad about that! Makes me wonder if I want to buy and plant more. Growing things here in the dessert sure has it's challenges. Nearly everything that flowers  and does well here has thorns. Can't tell you how many times I have been torn up when trimming my bouginvillas and roses!
Zoe took her gifted test on Saturday. It was a 2 1/2 hour test! She was excited that she took it. She thinks she did well and says it was fun to do! Something I have never heard her say about a test. The results will come to us in the mail in a few weeks. I am so glad that I pushed for her to take it. I think it will be fun for her to know her strengths. The test will explain the areas in which they excel.
Back to work and school today. I plan on taking some time for me. A jog and some time to play are what I have in store today. After I pay bills, pick up Zoe's contacts and Howard's meds, clean the house, fix the vacuum. Make some appointments. Figure out our taxes...
Maybe some time for music today?
I'm sad that we won't be going to the Super Bowl! Larry Fitzgerald deserves the ring and the recognition!! Better luck next season!
You Know Like I Know 
SoundCloud Link

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