Coffee inspiration, and boy is it good today! I so look forward to my one cup! Gathering my thoughts and ideas.
I had an interesting convo yesterday with my 27 year old daughter. She has gone through a period of time separated from her husband. They married young and never had a chance to be young, so I wasn't surprised. We all knew that they would both go through the what ifs and, the what did I miss phase. I thought it interesting, that with all the hell they put each other through, they decided to chalk it up to a learning experience. She said they had a talk and at the end they high fived each other and said, " we
really F*$!'d up" !They both talked about what they perceived and learned while apart. I wish them the best as I have always thought them to be a power couple! I hated watching them try to tear each other apart. I'm grateful it was short lived! The falisy is that your kids grow up and you go on your merry way. Not so, you always worry about and hurt with them when they are hurting. Sometimes,it's hard to watch them stumble and fall! I have advised them as adults but I don't lecture or condemn. They are adults and they need to learn and grow right along with the rest of us. Life lessons
and the journey come to all of us.
The most interesting part of the conversation was her take on love and romance. I wish more people
would talk about the reality of what it really becomes after a period of years. The excitement fades and you move into another phase... Great respect for one another being there and a deep friendship. She realizes that you don't have to stay in a state of nirvana to have a good marriage. In fact, little of marriage success has to do with romantic love.
She told me the grass isn't greener somewhere else. The thought of having to put the time and energy in to grow the grass somewhere else, is not so great! A life experience that can't be taught and is
learned only through the experience. Marriage is hard! Honestly, I'm not a big fan! My husband said
jokingly that if we won the lottery, he'd get a divorce. That stung for a brief second lol! I don't doubt that's how he feels that way as I can second that! Marriage is a pain in the a**!
All kidding aside, lotto fever hit a lot of us this past week. All of us having our dreams... We talked at length about what we would do with a ton of money... We decided we would buy Soda Springs Ranch, or a multi acre property and turn it into a grand place for people to vacation. Have a few guest houses and a nice homey and beautiful lodge. A secluded resort with a wonderful restaurant! Fishing, golf course, horse trails, shooting range... How fun it would be to create that environment!
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