Saturday, January 9, 2016

Us And Them Diabetes Is Diabetes In Every Species

Here is our new vet. I put out an S.O.S on the Ahwatukee 101 Facebook page asking for help in finding a vet for Twink. A very nice lady answered my plea for help. She had a diabetic cat that she had treated at this clinic many years ago. She even offered to help me with the insulin shots to get me more comfortable. In my early 30's, I worked as a vet tech for a brief time so, I think I'm good with the injections, although I haven't ever given my own sweeties a shot. Also, the pet glucose testing I have never done. Have to purchase a glucose testing machine and needles... A lot to this in expenses.

Twink and I will be very familiar with this clinic as we will be spending lots of time in and out of here. The process of getting her insulin level adjusted properly will take tweaking and fine tuning.  It will be a process. I even told the vet I was a blogger and I asked if he would mind me blogging about my experience/journey with this. He was sincerely fine with it and even chuckled.
I won't get into this much today, except to say, their is a lot to this diagnosis. A lot that I will have to manage to insure that Twink does well! A real commitment to my BFF. Gone are the days of setting a plate of dry cat food down that would last them all day. Things will be changing greatly with my routine.
Twink is very healthy other than her sugar levels. All other labs are very good. Even sick, she maintains a beautiful luster to her coat which the vet remarked about. She looks wonderful for her 13 years...
I was encouraged to hear that the type of insulin this vet uses has a high success rate in regulating the 

blood sugar so well that pets can go into remission. Remission can be achieved in a period of 6 
months and they can be weaned off the insulin! Leaving in place, the special low carb diet of 7 grams or less of carbs. He gave me a listing of the available canned cat foods which have 7 grams or less of carbohydrates. Believe it or not, many fall within that range! The list is extensive and has all of the brands out there to choose from. Not a requirement to buy expensive food from a pet store! 
I'm looking forward to seeing my cat feel better. She has been sluggish for awhile. It will all be worth it when I can tell that she feels better!

Some days, you just want to zone out and play...let your mind go... Very relaxing!

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