I just found out today that our cat Twinkle, has diabetes. She is 13 years old. I am so sad you can't
imagine! They are telling me that if I decide to treat this, the testing needed to get her regulated on
insulin will be extremely costly. I ended up shelling out $200.00 for the diagnosis today. Most of it lab fees. We have some thinking on this to do as it could be hundreds of dollars spent getting her regulated on insulin. It sounds as if the lab tests are the greatest portion of the expense. So sad! I have no idea which way we are going to go on this. She is the most precious cat! The sweetest cat ever really!
Here she is with Clarice...
In mid meow...looks vicious but she's so sweet. We have some talking to do. If I had lots of money and it wasn't an issue, I would opt for the treatment the vet told us about that can actually cure feline diabetes. I asked if it was expensive and our vet exclaimed jokingly that it was pricey. Just how costly I wish I had asked! I will call tomorrow just to see... I don't know if I can see two insulin injections a day... Although if it would really be a solution to her health issue maybe I could... I would want to!
Ugh... I have a lot of reading and phone calls to make regarding my BFF and her health issues.
Poor kitty! You can tell she doesn't feel well. She drinks and drinks water like crazy. She urinates so much that I have to completely change her litter almost daily. You can't scoop the litter, it's just a muddy mess. Awful!
Wondering if I can really get a handle on this health issue for her! Awwww damn!
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