Monday, August 10, 2015

Don't Let Anyone Dissuade You From Being Brilliant

Don't let anyone, or anything dissuade you from your brilliance. Glint, with everything you have!

I thought of this affirmation on my two mile power walk/run this am. (Endorphins), you gotta love em!
I became inspired this weekend to really give it a go today... The people in my life don't share 
enthusiasm for my music or my aspirations! I'm reaching outside the box for my own aknowlegement  of my whole hearted musical endeavors.
Music is so subjective!
The following links are my newest uploads to SoundCloud  today.

 My cover of "I'm In You", written by Peter Frampton.
Click here ➡️ I'm In You

As I sit here and ponder my next musical project I'm reminded of my hope and dreams...a desire for Something More Than Nothing in my life!

Sometimes the hardest thing to overcome are the opinions of those who are supposed to be closest to us! It's hard to stay focused and true to yourself when nobody else believes in your ability to do something. I tire of being told what I can't do!
Lol, Eat my dust, if you must!

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