Sunday, August 2, 2015

Be Careful Of What You Want You Might Get It!

 I have a much different take on the music industry now. I just watched a documentary done by the band 30 Seconds To Mars. This aired on Palladia. I'm so sad! I had no idea this is what record labels are like. I had no idea that to sign with a record label you are essentially selling your soul to a devil. I had no idea that artists are in serious financial debt to the labels that represent them. Now with digital music artists and labels take a huge finacial hit. Then you have people doing covers ( like me )...
I guess I nust assumed that to be signed with a major label means you have arrived?! Not so I see. Awwww, what an eye opener! I'm so disappointed. I was aspiring to try to do something! I will still try but I won't be as disappointed when I don't make it anywhere lol! My Mom used to always tell me " be careful of what you want, you might get it " !

I guess I understand the need artists have to get paid for everything they touch. Record labels and now even fans are stealing music for free! This new generation knows nothing about paying for music. They get it all for free all over the internet! Legally and illeagally. I knew some of this but I really understand it better now. What a shame! I thought artists had it made if they were signed to a big label! Not nessicarily so! Sounds as if the bigger the artist, the harder they fall! The more in debt they can become!

What a sad and sorry shame! I guess you have to really just love contributing to the history of music. The adoring fans make it worth it! For now I guess that I should consider myself lucky... I have nobody (other than my husband who doesn't like the time I take playing) to tell me what I can do. I can make a fool out of myself all over the internet, (I probably have). Nobody tells me no don't do it. I'm free to post what I want/ where and when I want (and I do lol). My own originals I am speaking about! Like this one...
This one...

And lastly this one!

I post these wherever I can!  Too bad we musicians can't just use the honor system with fans... You listen to it- pay me like it, you invest in it lol! Invest in me fans lol... I get how difficult it is to get paid! You would have to have a tremendous following to ever even get looked at by a label. I guess I love the process of creating/ writing and executing music. I suppose I have that in common with famous artists. I hope they still enjoy at least that part of it. Sounds like the monetary reward has never been as great as I thought. I thought that a good attorney would ensure a good record deal...NOT! 

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