Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Living Large In A Small Pantry = Frosting On Your Big Toe

It is about this time of year that every time you go to the grocery store, you buy a few or a lot of extra  things. We start squirelling away cans of cranberry sauce, karo syrup, spices, and extra butter...In my house, I have an apartment sized pantry and I'm busting at the seams trying to find little places in my kitchen to squirrel stuff. What were they thinking putting an apartment sized pantry in my 3 bedroom house? So inconvienent to have this set up when you are a home cook. Meaning that I cook and am in my kitchen everyday, workin it lol. It gets really annoying when the same can of frosting keeps falling out of the pantry on your toe. I have rearranged this darn thing many times trying to make it more workable but to no avail. Now, I resort to squirreling things away wherever I can!
Where is the kitchen pantry contest! They have a contest for everything else... Where can I enter for a "dream pantry"? I know I'm not alone in this. Many women, probably right here in my neighborhood,
 are feeling the food intrusion. I have French's Fried Onions and Martinelli's Cider coming out of the 
woodwork and the wine rack too lol.

Lol, you thought that I was kidding? My pathetic two maybe three small shelves pantry.
I could never make it in a "tiny" house. Not with my cooking on a grand scale lifestyle. 
Living large in a small kitchen = frosting on your big toe! 

Nous Vivons Ensemble 

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