Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Hand Up And Out, We All Need One

Being tech challanged is a pain in the butt! I tried several times to get the link posted to the song this sweet lady mixed for me. I'm making one last effort to get it to you lol. I hope that this works! I posted it on Google + and it seemed to work so, here goes!

Sometimes the kindness of strangers is humbling! This sweet lady approached me via email. She had seen my videos from a site that her daughter Katy, from the band (Cherokee Blonde) and I had been posting videos to. Kathleen, is the Sound Engineer/ Videographer for the band Cherokee Blonde. She wanted to give me a taste of how much better I could sound with professional mixing. Boy was she right! I was amazed by the quality of sound difference in comparison to my stardard flat iPad sound capability!
She had me record a vocal track and then the piano track independent of each other. That was interesting in itself lol. She then mixed the two tracks with her magic software and ear!
I couldn't believe the amount of time she took to try to help me! I am so thankful to her for this!
She also offered some ideas for better quality videos which I haven't gotten to yet! What a sweet person she must be to be willing to put the time into helping little ole technology challanged me! I do so appreciate the help and support!
Having heard what my music could sound like, I long more than ever to be able to get into a studio to record! What a dream come true this would be for me! It would be like heaven to hear a completed track that I did with full sound engineering and mastering! Like heaven I tell ya! I'm sure all artists must feel as I do! 
I wonder what it was like for Rick Davies and Roger Hodgson to hear their completed works for the first time, fully finished. I bet they cried tears, I would! 

Meanwhile, the holidays are inching up on us! I am in the process of budgeting, planning and online shopping. Like many of you, I suppose. I hope to find the time to arrange another Christmas song or two. I would still love to do a video with all of my G-kids singing. I would love to have a YouTube video with us all together! Just for fun!

Cardiologist says more SVT episodes are likely for Zoe. It is not a life threatning condition. It is more uncomfortable than anything. If she has more episodes, cardiologist can do an ablation  proceedure to    fix the electrical short for good! We would opt for that over Beta blocker meds! She's young and meds are scary and have side effects! 
Now, we just wait to see if she has anymore episodes...
She's been cleared for all regular activities and back to her life. She was able to ditch the heart monitor as well!

Back to life and living!

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