Saturday, November 21, 2015

A Little Of This And A Lot Of That...

Saying goodbye wasn't easy. In fact, it blew my mind! It was incredibly hard to wrap my head around having to let go of Alissa. She cried and was terribly insecure at the thought. I bet it was extrermely hard for her to understand all of these grown ups making these decisions for her. She must have felt helpless knowing that she had no choices. She just has to comply.
I know that her Mom is thrilled to have her back and now, we wait and see if this will go well. I hope for the best for all of us. I also understand our situation so... If it doesn't work out, we will take Alissa back indefinately if need be.
Meanwhile, the heartache was too great walking by her room. I reclaimed the room. I worked all day making it into a home office! I could have put my keyboard in there but I decided it was more important to have a quiet study place. Howard is going to school online to obtain his Master's. Zoe also does a lot of studying so I created a space for the students. I also am using the desk as we speak. I was happy with the space! Howard was actually impressed with my effort. He said it was a beautiful office.
We also had Zoe leaving for a school related weekend conference! She was selected to attend a weekend leadership camp in Prescott. Between service hours for National Junior Honor Society, and her AZ Merit scores, she is well on her way to a great high school experience academically! The leadership camp will also help propel her into the next phase.
I took a  pic of her at the school getting ready to leave. You can see, she wasn't thrilled that I had to take a pic.
Finding ourselves with a weekend to ourselves, we went to dinner and dessert. We had Vietnamese food at the Mekong Center, our favorite Vietnamese place called UNPHOGETTABLE.
For dessert, we went to a great little place called Tea And Snow. We had the most delicious dessert. I will ask for this often when the occasion arises. It is scrumptious!
Shaved Ice with mango and coconut flavored ices. Adorned with red bean and rainbow jellies!
I was tired and definitely emotionally wrung out but I have a sense that we did good!  We did the best that we could for this little girl and she knows that we love her and are there for her. She knows that we will take her back in a heartbeat should she need us to step in. I hope that makes her feel more secure in the transition.
I'd like to think that we made a difference in this little gals life! She and her Mom will be coming for Thanksgiving. We will drive over to pick them up and then return them home Thanksgiving eve.
I have no idea what is on the agenda for today. I would like to get our multicolored Edison lights up! Some of our neighbors have been putting up their Christmas lights!
Have a terrific Saturday everyone!

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