Being human is cool most of the time. The human condition and vulnerabilities hmmmm sometimes not so much. If you have ever had a sick kid around, you realize that you can get caught up in it quickly. Don't know how or why exactly but these little people can make you so sick! My four year old granddaughter came to visit us day before yesterday and she was getting over the stomach flu. I caught it! I'm dealing with it but miserable. I'm in good company as it swept over my household all except for Howard. He must have the immune system of Superman. He never catches anything. Within hours lastnight, we were dropping like flies! Fast and virulent it came and lickity split I want it to go!
These G-Kid creatures share so many things with me. They make great hosts for things that can and
will knock you on your butt. That is where you can find me today, in bed or sitting in my chair. Any Mom or Grandma knows this is the stuff of nightmares with kids. Plenty of wash and disinfecting to do. Not to mention caregiving on top of being ill yourself. We will make it through the flu on this Veteran's Day 2015.
Howard got into his escape hatch and went to work. I hope he stays well and can make it through the day! We have enough fallen soldiers here today.
All kidding aside, I am thankful to all of the service people who sacrifice much for our freedoms! They should be honored on a grand scale with great appreciation! Have a wonderful Veteran's Day!
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