Saturday, October 3, 2015

Fall Is The Pumpkin Spice Of Life

Yum is what I have to say about this coffee creamer. Just good ole Kroger brand... Delicious!
I have told you, but I'll tell you again that I love fall! Fall is my season! I love the flavors, colors and smell of fall. I live in the wrong area to fully enjoy all that fall has to offer. I have my memories of beautiful fall season in Pennsylvania.
I can however appreciate that at least the mornings are getting cooler! I actually feel like running, so I do! I have a two mile route that I enjoy 3 maybe 4 times a week if I'm being good lol. I really enjoy  my iPod, headphones, time to myself to walk, jog and think! I get a lot of clarity and creative thoughts come to me when I hold myself to this. I'm never sorry that I took the time for a walk!

Alissa likes this platter lol, she tried to use it as a tray yesterday to serve her attorney refreshments. The woman that came out to see us yesterday was very nice. She even played with Alissa. She is new and was in training the last time that she came before the last hearing. They have assigned our case to her.
It looks as though Alissa may be going home to her Mom this next week. Her Mom has done a good job with everything she has been asked to do. Our year together may be over soon. It has been a very big year in her life I'm sure. A lot of changes for such a little girl! She is a survivor and the most articulate little gal I have ever met. She is able to sort through things in her head and fully express logically, how she feels. She is funny and intelligent beyond most children that are much older.

One of the things she has said just cracked me up! It was in reference to my Siamese cat, Clarice. 
When she first came to us she couldn't recall my cats name so she referred to her as the "Chinese
 New Year kitty". Soooo darn funny lol. Other things come out of her mouth that are funny and so intelligent!
We have exposed her to many different foods and a lot of different cultural "stuff" in this past year. She literally ate it all up! I personally feel that she has learned a lot. I can only hope that we helped her through this tough year of transition. I wish the best for her. We have tried to teach her coping skills that she may need to use in the future. I'm going to try not to worry. I am ready to give my daughter back the responsibility of the daily care involved in raising a four year old... I hope that she's up for the task!
*SoundCloud  cover song.
Have a great Saturday!
Clarice, A.K.A.," Chinese New Year kitty".

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