Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Baked Ziti And Them Some Lonesome Comes To Mind

Edit Post ‹ tynajoymetzner — WordPress

Baked Ziti! A cross between spaghetti and lasagne! Delicious and straight out of the oven. A crowd pleaser around here... There is so much more to me than this ziti. I aspire to be great at something lol. I want to leave my mark somewhere doing something!
Here ya go... Here's my inked, with the Library of Congress, stamped original, Something More a Than Nothing. I have been tweeting this and slinging this around like no other to get it heard... Any of you that follow my blog have probably seen my posts about this song!
It bares repeating and if it doesn't, too bad, here it is again...lol.
"I want to know that there's more than nothing- In my heart, I know that there's something!
Today was a crazy day. Along with being a busy day, it would have been my Mom's 91st birthday. I thought about her several times today although I never did light a candle in her honor like I usually do. I suppose it's enough to remember how truly talented and amazing she was! Too many talents to list! I love and miss her! Love ya Mom! Happy Birthday wherever you dwell!

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