Rubbing The Belly For Good Fortune…
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As you can see, we happen to like budda. Zoe and I hung out with him and rubbed his belly for good luck. We went to a local Asian market at Mekong Plaza. I should have taken pictures. This market is huge and full of wonderful spices, meats, teas, inscense, fish. It is a beautiful place. We enjoyed dinner at the Mekong Center last Friday.
Yesterday was quiet so I took the opportunity to record a few songs on SoundCloud. Lost In The Game
Something More Than Nothing
Yesterday was quiet so I took the opportunity to record a few songs on SoundCloud. Lost In The Game
Something More Than Nothing

We had a busy weekend! I was glad that I had a chance to spend some time with daughter Delcee and her little family! I watched the kids for Delcee so that she and hubby Sam, could have an evening out together.
I made bread pudding for dessert. Korbin and Kadee are sweet little characters! Korbin told me that bread pudding reminds him of pumpkin pie. He liked it!
Today, I am hanging out with these two charming guys, Tom and Nate

Mom is interning at the law firm and these boys are on fall break. So Gram is going to hang with them today! The weather is cooling off a little so I think McDonalds and the park are on the agenda for today! Yesterday was Nate’s B-Day so I think icecream at Dairy Queen might be fun too!
Have a great day, whatever you do!