Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Inking Your Life With Indelible Ink. Carpe Diem!

A while back I think that I wrote a post about leaving your mark upon this earth? Well this is my own personal way of doing just that. I had my first original song copywrited! For some reason this was so extremely important for me personally to do! It is copywrited and entered into the Library of Congress. Which, for whatever reason makes my heart sing! As I said, this is my way of leaving my mark...

                              I received this in the mail yesterday! Wow just wow...

If you are interested, Here are some links to this original...

I have so many reasons for wanting to do this you have no idea! A very deep down to the core reason of which I won't speak about. Intensely personal...but very poignant and relevant to the lyrics of this song...A terrific sense of validation.

Also, I mentioned to you in an earlier post about my father being unable to 
complete writing his book due to his decline with Dementia. Watching my Dad yearn to finish his thought process, propelled this need in me to do more with my life.  Possibly also this particular stage of my life... My kids are all accomplishing their education and I don't want to live vicariously through them! I want and need to have my own set of accomplishments. Even if they are not realized by this world as such.

This whole music thing that I am trying to make happen for myself, is all so personal. It is genuine and authentic to me, since I was just a little kid! If I never get anywhere with it, if the universe, (lol) doesn't recognize me ...
I will have been genuine to myself in putting it out there!  This I feel passionate about... Personal validation is critical!

I urge all of you who read this to make this a priority in your own lives. What are you passionate about? What really means something to you? Find whatever that thing is and throw yourself at it or into it! When you are genuine and authentic to yourself, inner peace starts to permeate through you.  Genuine happiness begins to emerge from the core of your being...confidence and a sense of well being take over your life. Replacing doubt and inner unrest. Life becomes this incredible journey toward....? You have to decide the ?, goal. 

I'm learning that I am not defined but anyone, anything or any  wrong decision that I have made. It's a journey and navigation process through this thing called life. You can be the creator, the orchestrator just pick something that you want to accomplish and work toward that. Make your life purposeful! Also realize that the journey, the quest, is the real reward! Isn't a purposeful life what we all want and strive for? That is our right of passage here on earth for everyone, I believe. 

Money is great to have while here on earth but we don't get to take it with us! I remember this real epiphany I had after my Mom died. The finality of life was so in my face as she was the closest person ever to me, to pass away. I  recall thinking to myself as I was surrounded by her belongings..."She didn't even take her lipstick!" Such a strange but humbling thought.

So to be cliche and use this phrase, Carpe Diem ...( Seize The Day! )  Time Is fleeting so 
leave your indelible mark upon this earth! You will be happy that you did no matter how 
small a contribution others perceive it to be!

* The copyright process is straight forward. Did mine all online through the U. S. Copyright Office. Cost me $35.00. The feeling of accomplishment is well worth the money!

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