This was from a family get - together a few years ago.
Ghosts and Witches

More Witch and ghost friends.
Chocolate cupcakes that I made...
The yard becomes haunted with ghosts...
And, candy of course...
Ghoulish, creepy figures appear at grown up parties..
This guy scares me all of the time, he is huge and well just creepy.
Grandkid Spooks wreath that I made. A ghost for each kid...
Even my cats get in on all of the fun!
My handcrafted Witch Hat centerpiece. (Kitty Clarice photo bomb).
Above are pics from previous Halloween decorations I have crafted. I made most of what you see above.
I know it's too early for this but I felt inspired to share. I just went into my mess of a garage to dig out my Halloween bins. I think some of it is still buried somewhere in the vast jumble of ...stuff. This will haunt me lol, till I decide to be proactive and begin an aggressive search. This will entail taking
everything out of the garage, sorting through it until I locate the missing bin. What a pain in the butt
that will but, I need to just do it!
I love Halloween and all that it conjures up in your mind. From spooky, scary and the hope that the
paranormal exists - to whimsical, light hearted and just plain cute decor.
I love decorating for Halloween because it evokes a mood, and a certain ambience for the holiday. My Zoe is getting older and I'm not sure how much any of this that I do regarding decorating for the
seasons matters to her. My G-kids however seem to really enjoy it for now.
I will be carving pumpkins as long as I am able. One of my favorite fall things to do.
I hope you can find at least a part of this holiday that you really enjoy. It's fun to feel like a kid again
or at least view it from a kids perspective.
I'm going to see what I can conjure up for this holiday. I will post current pics when I decorate this year.
This is my favorite and most Halloween like image of all. My majestic, beautiful old mesquite tree. With a beautiful full moon!
Love this
what would Halloween be without this beautiful BFF Halloween kitty,
Twinkle Darling...
Thx for the view..
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