Drive Written by The Cars on SoundCloud
I worked on this cover today although I don’t think I’m there yet with it. A difficult song to play and sing at the same time because the vocals are so different from the music. Anyway a challenge and so much fun to attempt!

Speaking of driving… I sincerely hope to replace this car one of these years! I’m so tired of all of the little problems and quirks it has lol. I’ve owned it for the past 12 years! It gets me around town so I won’t complain, much…

I Wanna Pull You Near (my original)

Something tells me this could be a very lucky year for me! My Special K was extra special this week. People do really win sometimes, even me!
Author: tynajoymetzner
I've been a stay at home Mom for many years...Have earned a PhD in life experience. My oldest is 30 and my youngest is 13. On a quest to see all that I can be now. I am a musician, singer/ songwriter. In the process of trying to become marketable. Would love to make money doing what I love! I love to do many domestic things also. Nothing I do seems to be profitable. Guess I am at a point in life that I would like to be compensated . My whole life I have given freely. Now, show me my money making niche. Still in the process of figuring that out.
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