Doing Good With Good My Mission

As I sit here and ponder, gathering my thoughts about recent events, tears are flowing down my cheeks. I’m looking back at this past weekend and I’m wondering what happened to humanity? What is going on with people? People so engulfed with rage and anger that they bully those with a different
opinion. I made the mistake of posting a positive comment after the swearing in ceremony. I posted it on ABC live streaming while the parade was in progress. My post was about having hope for the future now that everything is said and done. My comment was pretty generic and I pointed out hope and being hopeful for the future…
Here, is my post…
Loved the speech! It was so inspiring and gave me hope for the first time in a long time. I’m so looking forward to feeling a great impact of positive changes!
From that I heard so much hate! I was told I was disgusting, had an ash brain..
Here a just a few of the mean spirited things people said in reply to my post.
*He is your hope???? Well……good luck!!!
*Yes, positive change for wealthy white people.
*Yea? Kindergarten vocabulary inspires you?
*Hey how old are u? You must’ve love to hear the empty promises make by the politicians eh or maybe you’re just as disgusting as him!!!
This last post directed solely at me really made me angry and sad…I couldn’t just let it go. This woman totally lost it on me… I had to call her out.
Here, is her post to me, a total stranger…
*Tyna J. Metzner you must have an ash brain that you feel so sorry for yourself! You are pathetic! You have no vision at all that you see a sociopath adversely or maybe you have a problem like your
I replied with this…
Babesilo Silo throwing hatred at complete strangers for having an opinion contrary to yours? Your such a BIG woman… do you feel better at my expense? I’m a complete stranger who had an opinion. Why is it that you feel compelled and justified to impose your hatred on me? Go get therapy, unloading on strangers on social media makes you a bully and, a sore loser…
The anger in this country is amazing! If you did or didn’t vote for this president, he is what he is now, President Trump.

This was my Mom’s crystal ball. I haven’t yet been able to get this to work for me lol. It would seem that a lot of people seem to think they know already what is in store for the future of this country. I’m glad their crystal ball works better than mine… None of us know for sure how the next four years will go! So many have decided already to be angry and combative. It is as if Satan is running amuck in the hearts of humankind. I have never encountered so much hostility toward what really? What was the hope of gain for Ashley Judd and Madonna spewing vile nonsense about things that didn’t even make sense. Women’s periods and taxes on tampons? To further degrade and adversely objectify women? Trump hasn’t been in office long enough to be blamed for the tax on tampons lol!!! To use your celebrity to spew and promote hatred on humankind seems beyond belief irresponsible! I want to be clear that neither of these women speak for me!
I feel like Satan has grabbed hold of the minds mouths and hearts of people. I’m not particularly religious either. I’m not a political person. I’m not interested in all of the issues. I pay attention to only a few. You won’t find me arguing politics and I won’t impose my political views on you. I am not particularly controversial, opinionated or confrontational. It takes an awful lot to rile me to the point of speaking out and getting in your face. When I do, I rarely feel better having done so. The anger is all around us, the racial and political divide has never felt greater in my lifetime. I just want to be in my own cacoon and avoid the angst. Especially when I feel univested in the cause! I wish all the haters would just spin around on a different planet and leave the rest of us alone to try to enjoy our lives. The social unrest needs to be quiet now and just live!
Calgon, take me away!
I wonder what my relatives would think if they were here to experience all of this? Not a great time in the history of mankind. I’m embarrassed for all us… Lets rise above the hatred and start speaking love!
My love to all today. It will all be what we make it, let’s turn things around and do good with good!