Music, Home, Family, Relationships, Life and Living. Daily Life
Sore In Places Ready For More

I hurt in places I didn’t know I could hurt lol. Sore…I am taking another class today. Yesterday was upper body… Today who knows? It sure did rev up my metabolism. I was full of energy all day. I got a lot done around the house as a result. It also seemed as if the extreme temps didn’t bother me as much. It was probably 117 degrees yesterday. Usually we don’t get this kind of heat until July and August! I can’t believe that I still see people jogging in this heat. They must have a death wish because that is just crazy! The wind has been blowing hot air around. We are hoping for the monsoon season to start. Afternoon showers raise the humidity but cool us off. No sign of the monsoons because the dew point is still too low. We are stuck in a high pressure pattern that is just baking us. Plants and my lawn are looking stressed out… The intense sun rays burn holes in the lawn. When you go outside when it’s 120 degrees the heat penetrates your skin and it burns. It’s a very intense sensation. Even just minutes out there feel dangerous.

I put the white string lights up for Alissa in her room. We added the tissue paper flowers that Zoe had made for her Father’s Day gift. I think it’s cute. Alissa loved it! She was very excited for me to put this up. I’m all for trying to make her transition here more homey. It isn’t easy on any of us… I’m sure she will become more comfortable in her new life when she starts school and gets into that routine! Grandparents raising kids is pretty common I suppose. We are in the adoption phase of this case now. Waiting for an adoption specialist case worker to contact us. Someone will hopefully help us get set up with an attorney and info. as to this next phase soon.
I don’t know how long it takes to come to a place of exceptance that this is your new life. Of course I want the best for this child! Of course I have a need to help! Reality is harsh though and, the output of effort and energy in this direction is great. When do you resolve this undertaking in your head? How long does it take to make peace with this?
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Have a terrific Tuesday! Enjoy summer in your neck of the woods! I would like to hear from you, my readers
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