Music, Home, Family, Relationships, Life and Living. Daily Life
Dreamer Your Nothing But A Dreamer

This still remains in my Facebook feed as of this morning. This is what I thought was an invitation to a Private Event concert hosted by my idol, Roger Hodgson. Tonight @ 5:00 pm (my time), is the concert. No details have been given as to where this event is being held. I am assuming that I received this invite in error or something as it is a huge mystery as to where this is taking place and the concert is tonight. No other details about this event have been shown to me… Darn, lol! It has been exciting to anticipate this event though. So many dreams and a lot of thought about what I would/could say if I had the chance to actually meet him! Even my daughters got excited for me! They know very well how much the music of Roger Hodgson has meant to me! They grew up with the ambiance of Supertramp in the backround of our lives! They know that meeting this man would be a life dream realized, to me. At first I thought that this “Private Event” was a hoax. I asked Roger Hodgson on Twitter if this was going to be a concert viewable online. Roger Hodgson wrote back to me to say that it was a Private Event and not a streaming concert… The Event is real! My invitation to it may have been a mistake…
I have been working at fitness bootcamp. Today will be day #5 for this week. Zoe and I have been trying this 28 day challenge/trial. I figure 5 days a week will be a good test to see if I can make progress in my overall fitness. I had been pretty diligent in a routine of walk/jogging. I plateaued and really never saw much change in my appearance. I am hoping to see a real change with this program. I have decided that I need the 5 day a week workout to hopefully achieve some results. I have found this program to be an intense workout that actually leaves you energized! I come home ready to tackle household chores that I have been procrastinating about doing. Prime example is cleaning out the fridge. In depth purge and cleaning process that I undertook a few days ago! I also find that giving a name to such appliances/chores that require a lot of effort, actually helps you focus on the task better. By giving it a name, you give it importance and a sense of priority.
Meet Franny my fridge…

Every shelf, drawer and container clean! I used vinegar and water to clean this out. The idea of chemicals around food doesn’t make good sense to me.
I took the girls to Dairy Queen yesterday for lunch… it was fun just to get away from the routine and monotony. Nice to duck in and beat the heat in between shopping. Zoe my 14 year old, had an idea for a homemade gift for Christmas. She wants to make bath bombs. They are all the rage now and very pricey at specialty stores! We each bought one while on our trip to Monterey/Carmel in March. We each spent $8.00 on just one! Let me tell you when I used mine, I soaked in my candlelight bath for two hours! Anyway, she found a recipe to make them on YouTube. We shopped around yesterday collecting ingredients for this project. I will blog about this when we actually make them. It will be a fun project for sure! Every lady that I know will appreciate the gift of a special bath. I can envision a gift basket with special bath accessories. Even my G-Kids may have fun with these. You can put the magic capsules that when dissolved, become speciality shaped sponges. Bath toys and those cute square packaged washcloths from the Dollar Store that expand in the bath… I can see a gift theme trending here lol. Homemade gifts/ love from the heart!
Anyway, have a terrific weekend all!
This seems quite fitting today considering my foolish notions about meeting the creator of this brilliant masterpiece of music!
Here is another wonderful song that he wrote intitled Dreamer. Also a great fit for today! Sometimes, we only have our dreams, the next best thing to being there!