Music, Home, Family, Relationships, Life and Living. Daily Life
Letting My Secrets Come OutTo Play

I suppose I’m like all the other wannabe artist out there who long for a music career. Lots of us vying for a lucrative, slice of music industry recognition. Putting ourselves out there on SoundCloud, YouTube, and anywhere else we can find to upload to for exposure. Living life in between the madness of creating content. Always waiting for our “big break”. It’s so funny because after a few years of doing this, you start to wonder if you are the only one who thinks that what you create is any good. Your friends and family have long since jumped ship on your creative endeavors. They no longer have interest, so you don’t talk about it. You just create and upload, and hope for the best in silence. You give it all you have but in silence… You quit sharing that personal side of yourself for fear of bothering others with it. You no longer share your hopes and dreams, they become silent. As if they just went away and cease to exsist. You feel as if you live a double life and are stealing moments from other obligigations to create. Almost as if you are sneaking around with your time rather than what you should be attending to. You have long realized that nobody takes that part of you seriously. You begin to see that they rather think that part of you a joke. You see that friends and family don’t believe in your ability to do something noteworthy, (pardon the pun). It becomes a real disappoint that try as you might, you just aren’t good enough. In kindness, you say to yourself “well, this is all subjective” ! Beauty, is in the eye of the beholder! You think/wish and pray, that you could find a way, to appeal to the subset of people who would like your music.
The silence becomes deafening regarding originals. Nobody wants to even listen to originals! You throw links out there to your originals on social media… Only to find, no views, no listens…You try to figure out how to get people interested enough to spend 4 min on your music…I don’t know how anyone gets anything heard! So I’m going to put all of my originals here in one post. I have never done this… If I had a CD, this is what it would sound like… This may be the closest thing to actually having a CD that I will have…
What does it take to get you interested enough to listen to me…? Meat suits, funny eyewear, bling on every finger? What gimmick, what attention grabbing quirky thing do I need to do, to get you to hear me?
For anyone out there willing to take the time to listen…I could use subscribers! Please subscribe to my YouTube and SoundCloud channels!
Your support means the world to me!
YouTube Videos:
For what it’s worth… Although I don’t yet have enough original material here for a whole CD, I like what I have! Collectively, it has it’s own feeling and overall vibe. It melds well together and seems to be my style, whatever that is. Like many musicians I can almost envision what this could be if I had money to throw at it! A great arranger, mixing and mastering could make this awesome! It must be a dream come true to hear something you have written complete with all of the fixes and adornment. In it’s absolute best possible form and sound…When I was young, I would ponder what it would feel like to hear a song you have written and performed, on the radio for the first time. I would daydream with complete all encompassing feeling what this would be like. As if, it were my reality. I don’t think anything on earth, could give me more personal joy than this fantasy!
In another life, I would hope like hell to find, and surround myself with people who believe in me as an artist. I would try like heck to find people who could help me realize my full potential here. In kind, I would do the same for them. A synergistic creative love-fest for music and creating together. That has always been my dream. It’s empty and shallow here alone…To be a part of something grand, would be my personal nirvana! Life couldn’t get any better than that! Nobody does it alone, it takes a village.
I’d love to break the stereotype that only young artists make it. Look at all of these old rockers still out there making music and sounding great! Why the hell did society decide only young people are cool and desireable/marketable? I would love to kick some ass and help break that way of thinking. See, I have grand, (large) dreams! If only lol…
For now I will set about executing what I can do in life… The dishes, cleaning the cat litter, caretaking and grocery shopping are all on my agenda for today. So back in my head, in silence go my dreams-
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