Music, Home, Family, Relationships, Life and Living. Daily Life
Phoenix Heat Is On The Way Our Last Few Days To Play

This is a pic that I took along my morning walk. The temps are starting to heat up so it’s a good idea to just get the power walk/ jog in early. By early I mean by 6:30 AM. I’m out the door and walking up this huge hill. This hill is a great workout up and down. I also do another smaller hill in my route. It feels great to have done this. I power walk jog a different route every other day as well. I have stepped this up to 5 days a week. I take the weekends off and probably undue everything I am trying to accomplish on the weekend. We eat out on the weekends lol…
I made a pasta salad with lots of healthy and delicious ingredients. Tri colored vegetable pasta noodles make this flavorful and pretty!
(1) 16 oz. bag of tricolored vegetable pasta boiled, rinsed and cool.
1/2 chopped small red onion.
1 peeled sliced cucumber (nice sized chunks)
1 can of tri colored beans rinsed and drained.
3 stalks of celery sliced
A handful of shredded mozzarella cheese.
Bottled honey mustard dressing to taste. Incorporate while drizzling and folding.
Salt, pepper, Italian seasoning and some chopped sweet basil (from my garden).
I served this salad with some baked salmon and corn on the cobb making this a whole well rounded dinner.
I like to serve dessert on Monday since the whole family gathers to watch Dancing With The Stars. We rarely watch tv together as we all have different interests and homework going on during the week. This is a fun semi- homemade dessert.
I bought a small package of mixed berries. Thaw and add 1/4 cup of granulated sugar to the berries. Mash slightly and add 1/4 cup of water. Stir well and chill.

I made homemade whipping cream as it really is the best flavor! Whip desired amount of heavy whipping cream with a few tablespoons of granulated sugar. Half way through beating I add a teaspoon of vanilla. Whip on high until desired stiffness and consistency is achieved.

Chill until ready to serve. Enjoy Berry Shortcake!

I served this with hot herbal cinnamon tea. Delicious combination. The Sara Lee Pound cake is a nice shortcut and still a quality base for the berries, sauce and whipped cream! Semi- homemade saves time without compromising on flavor. Perfect for a fast, weeknight finishing touch.