I Called Him Stinker Binker

My oldest G-Kid turned 10 today! Tommy is now 10! Boy the years are ticking by and I can tell you that it amazes me how fast time is ticking away. I found these pics of my Grandson that remind me of what an adorable baby and kid he has always been!
I used to call him “Stinker Binker” when he was small, hence the binky in his mouth. Such a cutie and he liked his Gram a lot then lol. He is much more reserved with me now…

Here he is to the right, pictured with his brother Nate on the left, and cousin Korbin, center.
Try as I might, I’m no cake decorator! My cakes taste good but they aren’t much to look at!
Here is my ridiculous attempt. It’s big, that’s about what you can say about it… I don’t know why I insist on trying but, I do! Oh geez…

I started off with good intentions! I made a lemon/ blueberry cake with fresh blueberries. The cakes turned out fine.  I’m sure they are moist and delicious… I am taking this cake to Tommy later this evening. Daughter Britt is having a get together for him with all of my G-Kids and some of Thomas’ friends.
The decorating not so much!

A Grammy original…(this Grammy anyway).
It’s Memorial Weekend as well. With the plate, and the red border, I suppose I have that covered as well lol… Hey, I tried! I was told by my husband that this is lame. He asked me if the theme is a ball? Lol, I am certain that it tastes better than it looks and, it comes from my heart! It will feed an army as well… Lol what was I thinking here?????
Have a wonderful Memorial Holiday!