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Hide In Your Shell And Your House Summer Is Coming!
My “Growables” cucumbers are coming along.
Watermelon !

My oldest daughter gave me this lovely Solar sun yard stake for Mother’s Day. It is lovely at night as it changes color. So very pretty and a nice addition to my small garden space. The temp is projected to be 106 degrees tomorrow here in Phoenix, Arizona. OMG! This is the time of year that you motivate between air conditioned homes, stores and your car. You rarely spend time outdoors. UGH, 7 months of extreme heat is coming! I think you will find me hiding in my shell.
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Hide In Your Shell written by Roger Hodgson
The summers here can be as stifling as a severe winter back east. I should be used to it as I have lived here in the valley of the sun for 13 years now. I still long for the coolness of the central coast of CA. Enough complaining right?
The summers here can be as stifling as a severe winter back east. I should be used to it as I have lived here in the valley of the sun for 13 years now. I still long for the coolness of the central coast of CA. Enough complaining right?
Tomorrow is a court hearing regarding my Granddaughter and my daughter. I am going to go see what is really happening within the court system. I hear that the state and the Attorney General are all filing motions for paternal severance. This may be hard to watch and sit through as it will impact my daughter as the harshest, saddest reality of her life. I have picked up the pieces by stepping up to care for her daughter. If I’m honest, I sometimes resent the changes this has brought to my life. I still haven’t wrapped my head around the idea of more caretaking of kids for the next 13+years. Money money makes the world go round… With money more things are possible to accomplish! If money wasn’t an issue, I could deal with the rest. I feel a lot of pressure from my husband because he really doesn’t want to do this. He doesn’t want to have to be the answer. He was looking forward to having time to just do whatever… I feel terrible about imposing this on my husband who is not this child’s paternal grandfather. We have had many upsets and arguments about the longevity of this commitment financially and the energy and effort needed long term. I am torn every which way about this, sometimes I wish that I had an escape hatch to avoid the fallout everywhere I turn. This child is just a wonderful little person full of wonder and appreciation for everything she is handed. She has been through so much and has been an amazing survivor. She has a wonderful spirit and I adore her! So torn up I am that somedays, I wonder how we will all get through it and how it will play out. Just like everything else that I have encountered, I suppose that you just put one foot in front of the other. The battle in the mind is something to overcome…To free up your mind is to come to full expectance of your circumstance. I’m not there yet. I haven’t explored all of the nooks and crannies of this powder keg. Court tomorrow will shed some light.
I leave you with this, my latest SoundCloud aspiration…A nice healthy escape of my own harsh realities…
If you click on the arrow of the pic
, it will take you to this SoundCloud link!
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