Hip Hop … I’ve been doing my stent as the Easter Bunny. I know a lot of you have as well! You have o get more creative as they (your kids) get older. I only have one left at home and she still looks forward o celebrating Easter. We will color eggs and make deviled eggs with the eggs we color. I’m making a ham with all the trimmings. Mashed potatoes (per Zoe’s request). A few yams, deviled eggs, peach jello with chopped apricots,
asparagus and wild berry muffins! Zoe is making a carrot cake for dessert.
Lots of food …
I was thinking about Pink Floyd today and how they completely changed the way that we hear music. What a bunch of genius musicians! Absolutely so talented and brilliant. Amazes me how these guys thought to come up with the music they wrote! Along with my cover of, Us & Them, I cover a small portion of the Great Gig In The Sky. Here it is at the end of this compilation of songs that I could play as a kid. A collection of three songs from the 70’s that I could play by ear… They just kind of came to me, I could just play them one day…?