My Dad passed away night before last. He had been ill for a long time. The dementia was probably the most incapacitating and horrific of his plight here. He had other health issues that had to be troublesome. By far the worst for this brilliant, genius was losing his great mind. I don’t question his wanting to go or the way he chose to for he truly was trapped in a frightening, uncertain world within his own mind. Of all of the things to go for this brilliant inventor. I watched him struggle and suffer with his failing body for so long. It must have been a scary hell on earth experience for him the past few years! He lasted and struggled for much longer than we ever thought he would. I couldn’t/ wouldn’t have asked him to stay here a second longer. That being said, why do I sit here weeping?
I went down to Tucson to touch base with my sister and Dad’s wife. They have been by Dad’s side for weeks. His wife barely ever leaving the house for a few years now! Bless my sister and his wife for taking such wonderful care of him. They have been angels of mercy. He died peacefully at home in his bedroom. Hospice had supplied all of the tools and meds to keep him comfortable in this process.
I am going to host the memorial. It’s this Saturday and I hope the whole family will come to remember him. I hope to be able to put this together with lots of pics and a memory book for his wife. I will make food for and plan on about 50. I have a busy few days of preparation here.

R.I.P my father. May all of the mysteries of the universe be shown to you! I love ya Dad. I’ll see you on the other side…
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