Dreaming While Riding Out The Storm From Within
Such a busy week! My washing machine quit on me! I was hoping that it was something small and fixable. After finally getting a repair guy out, it turns out that is was a major issue. They wanted to charge me $1,300. to fix it! That is ridiculous of course so we shopped around last weekend for a new washer. Spent the whole weekend researching and looking at all the local stores that sell appliances. This is what we decided upon. My New LG washer. Most bang and large drum size for your buck that we saw out there.
I actually recieved the washer this past Monday. So glad to be done with the front loader! I never liked the smell. I couldn’t get rid of the mildew smell in my washer or in our clothing! Horrible problems with that. I always assumed the smell was coming from the water that would collect around the rubber seal. I was forever taking a rag with bleach on it around the inside door seal. The tech that came out told me the smell was actually coming from the back of my machine in an area that would collect water, impossible to clean. Anyway, I had the washer for 9 years, it still looked good but was never a favorite appliance! I would like to be able to sell the pedestal it is on. The rest I would just give away for parts if any one would want them.

See, my old front loader still looks good! Too bad it doesn’t work. I could sell the drawer I suppose if I could get it off the heavy washer…
Of course, I was done with the front loader experience. After a lot of research and shopping, we ended up purchasing an LG top loader. It has a nice big tub and great technology. It has a load sensing feature that weighs the clothes to determine how much water to use. It’s an “he”, high efficiency machine.
1st Load In My New Top Loader
In between the end of the school year kid chaos, I caught a stomach virus that has been going around the school and grocery store… I’m the only one in the family to have acquired it. Day two felt better but it doubles back on you, day 3. I’ve determined that nothing, tastes better than ginger ale over ice, with a straw. So great!
In between the end of the school year kid chaos, I caught a stomach virus that has been going around the school and grocery store… I’m the only one in the family to have acquired it. Day two felt better but it doubles back on you, day 3. I’ve determined that nothing, tastes better than ginger ale over ice, with a straw. So great!
Zoe had her last lacrosse game of the season Tuesday and I had to miss it. I made the snacks for pre game that she wanted to share with her teammates. She had created an appetizer that just kind of became a favorite of ours… ritz cracker with cream cheese, a piece of pepperoni and half a grape on top. Delicious combination of flavors lol so, I made them for her last pre game snack. Don’t say ewww till you try them! Yum!

I also threw in a batch of semi- homemade chocolate chip cookies. After that, I promptly went down with a 101 degree fever… I was sad I missed her last game. They won by a lot and, she made a goal! I did however, ask her the play by play accounting of her goal.

Day #2 of the bug I figured I was better. Fever had gone. I was weak, tired but better. So, I assumed it to be a 24 hour bug. Kept busy all day. Caught up on everything! Went to my G-sons end of the year choir performance last eve.
Had a nice time!
I had been warned by a good friend who also has the bug, that it wasn’t over. I thought to myself, I feel better so I got off easy…She was right, it comes back! Riding out the storm…Mom used to say, “Into each life, a little rain must fall”. We always laughed because it was always a huge stormy issue that she would say that during… sarcastic!
Lol. Well, I have watched the stats on this song climb this week on my SoundCloud channel. I wonder what’s up? I am glad to know that someone seems to like this!
Dreamer- written by Roger Hodgson
My cover- https://soundcloud.com/tyna-j-phipps/friday-11-33-am?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=email
My cover- https://soundcloud.com/tyna-j-phipps/friday-11-33-am?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=email
I’d actually like to add another keyboard accompaniment track to this as their are two distinctly different keyboard parts in the original. One Roger Hodgson played, the other, Rick Davies played. Now that I have figured out how to add another track on Audiocopy, I may work on doing this soon! So much fun to just lose myself in music for awhile!
Have a great Thursday. Stay well!
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