Warm And Fuzzy Moments Making Memories

I made a power brunch yesterday that fueled us for most of the day. We went shopping together and had the most wonderful day just traipsing around the mall. Zoe loves this giant bear… She is taken with the enormity of him. This was taken at a local Costco. I have no idea where we would put this in her tiny room so, No lol…

Amelia Rose had an amazing experience in Build -A- Bear. The look on her face says it all! My adoption process of Amelia is moving along. I have not heard when the final court hearing date will actually be. She was able to name her bear as well. She chose the name Daisy. It is a beautiful “Frozen” bear with a teal sparkly dress…
We bought a backpack for her bear and she packed it around on her back all day!
I’m glad that took the time to do this experience, I hope it will remind her of her own adoption process. New life, new name… She helped me pick her new name as well. We spent a few days deciding. We came up with, Amelia Rose.
The video above, I put together to kind of chronical the way in which she came to us and in getting her life set up in her new life here. Her G.A.L (attorney) makes a cameo appearance in the yard with Amelia. What a caring attorney she really is!