Embracing My Gram Title…They Call Me Gram!
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Most of this week I spent wearing my “Gram” hat. I had Britt’s kids for two days while she interned at the law firm. We had a terrific time together! I had just the boys on Tuesday. I took them on my walking route to the pond. Then we bought lunch and took it to the pool. I thoroughly wore them out!
On Thursday, I had all four kids. I took them to our little pond where we had a picnic. We feasted on peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches, cut apples, string cheese and kettle corn. We took my favorite dog in this world, Coco Rose.

It is still pretty hot here in the afternoon so we went on our adventure rather early.
When we got back we had some quiet time watching G-rated Halloween movies. The big boys are on fall break. They go to a year round school and have two weeks vacation in the fall! This makes it rather hard on the working parents who can’t take the time off! They have to find daycare for the two week vacation period and that can get expensive! My Zoe has this upcoming week off. I will also have the boys again on Tuesday. I suppose I will take all of these kids to a movie and then to the pool.