Add Hot Flashes And Stir The Pot

Meanwhile, daughter Britt asked me to participate in a fitness class at her gym. I was able to keep up with the instructor but oh boy am I paying in soreness. I detest being this sore and stiff. I miss power walking already. Last week I was cranking out 3.5 miles at a stint, tackling a huge hill within that. Ugh… This week the heat has been so intense that the community pools are like bath water. Not to mention that the warmer they are, the more likely they are to host Cripto and other pool related illness. Living in the Sonoran desert during the long summers has it’s challenges! As prohibitive as winters are back east although you don’t have to shovel the heat.
Father’s Day and my Mother in-laws Birthday are both in this week. I decided to bake a few things for them. I made Craisin/ Orange loaf, Lemon Pound Cake and Boysenberry Cinnamom Strudel.

They really don’t want gifts and have asked us not to send them “stuff”. I did however want to recognize and celebrate them somehow though!

I got my baking done by 10:00 am. before the intense heat kicked in. I shipped my goodies in a plastic shoe box that I bought for a dollar from my grocery store. I added a lot of light weight tissue paper to cushion my baked goods. I do so hope that it arrives in good shape!

Although my baking was done by 10:00 am, I had to cool, package, decorate and get this project shipped. Took my day pretty much. A labor of love… I tried lol, I gave my all!
All Of Me- is written by John Legend whom I can’t stand. He is way too in your face politically, to a fault. He will hit you over the head with his political agendas. Yuck, bluck and WTF…that’s what I have to say about that! I’m not even politically interested and have no real affiliation or interest in politics but he sure turned me off…
Here is what I feel about all of this political crap and the fallout! I wrote this poem regarding the political upheaval that is still ongoing with both parties! The great divide…
Clamor Conspire And Congregate-
Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most desperate of them all? “They” clamor, conspire and congregate. To what ends will they try to seal their fate? Divisive, cunning and thoroughly wrought- they truly think that success can be bought!
For the price of one’s soul, is usually the toll. Oblivious, obstinate and utterly clueless, they wander the earth, become complacent and ruthless. Until one day they realize the void, become angry, and overly annoyed- For the impact of their strife to prosper, catches up with them and they count their losses. Greater are those, than monetary gain. Vanity and lack of humanity fan the flame…
For the price of one’s soul, is usually the toll. Oblivious, obstinate and utterly clueless, they wander the earth, become complacent and ruthless. Until one day they realize the void, become angry, and overly annoyed- For the impact of their strife to prosper, catches up with them and they count their losses. Greater are those, than monetary gain. Vanity and lack of humanity fan the flame…
When the ash settles around them and they return to status quo – they realize the err of their ways and, they secretly want “you” to know-
“They”, wouldn’t change a thing…
I guess I’ve had my rant for the day thanks for putting up with my heated post!
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