Go Big And Then Clean Up And Go Home

This was the most intricate tea party in the park I’ve ever heard of for only 2 hours of gazebo time that we had! It busted our butts to get it all up and down quickly… My daughter dreams big. We did however make it happen… Almost all of the decor is mine. I didn’t realize how pretty this would be all together! I told my daughter Britt that I would love to have a tea party like this! It was simply gorgeous! We had no idea it would come together and be this pretty! It was however a lot of work for a park party that was two hours long… It was also extremely HOT that day which made packing all of this in and out of the park taxing! I had two large bins of China and a plastic folding table to pack in and out. The effect was gorgeous though! My daughter appreciated the help, it turned out better than she had hoped.

Daughter Zoe worked hard on making, stringing and putting up the Pom poms and signs. A family effort for sure!