Homecoming And A Permanent Home Is Coming!

The new grass is starting to fill in. Well the final filings are being made. The final adoption hearing is on Monday!  I am going to make a celebration out of this. Technically, I will have 5 daughters although Amelia will still call me Gram…My husband elected not to adopt so I am her sole legal parent. That means if we should divorce, the whole financial burden is on me as well as visitation being a non issue. My husband was clear about not wanting to be on the hook for support… This whole process has been enlightening really…
I am going to host a dinner following the afternoon hearing. I will make a couple of batches of my homemade baked Ziti with a salad and garlic bread. I am also going to bake an Apple/ Spice Cake and some kind of Caramel Cookie Bar… Anyway, a real celebration. My sister is going to drive up from Sierra Vista, AZ. She is bringing a few of her tribe. I am inviting both Attorneys, mine and Amelia’s GAL… A few friends, my grown kids and all of my 7 G-Kids. Could be a full house! I’m thrilled to be finished with the DCS and legal side of the adoption! I will secretly do a dance of joy in the street on Tuesday!
My newest daughter so to speak! She will still call me Gram…
We took the girls to a special Pumpkin Farm last Sunday… Here are a few pics!
First time on a live pony!

Paige and Zoe up above . It was extremely hot this day. Melting like candles in the sun…
If all of this wasn’t enough, Zoe had her first Homecoming Dance on Saturday. She looked sweet and had a terrific time with all of her friends at the dance!

Fun, fun fun!!! It is still so hot here.  Temps will be nearing 100 degrees again this week! We are so tired of the intense heat!!! I keep forgetting that it’s really hot until November!  We don’t really have a fall, it just gets chilly! Our blood is so used to so many months of heat that when it gets into the 40’s and 50’s, it really feels cold!
This is a video slideshow that I put together with my SoundCloud track.  Family pics…Although I didn’t write the song, it is my own arrangement and this is my piano/vocal cover.