Friday, July 17, 2015

You're Making Me Old Kid Slow Down!

For the life of me I've been trying hard to figure out how to get something going for myself in music!
I wish I could hide in my shell for awhile lol. I'm tired from entertaining toddlers, a seven year old boy and my 13 year old all week long!

I've had a busy and laborous week. Three have my G-kids have been staying with me for the week. One I am raising currently. The other two I am watching while my daughter and her husband are on vacation in Mexico for the week. They are returning tomorrow evening! It's been an interesting week trying to keep everyone entertainined and the house in order. Two toddler girls keep you on your toes!

Needless to say, I haven't had any time to play my keyboard.

Today is my oldest daughter Brittany's birthday.  I can't believe how fast the years are going by!

Not fancy but as far as I can tell, it tastes really good! I made this for Britt's family party this eve. I will take this over to her this eve. Just a yellow cake with Buttercreme frosting. I toasted coconut and sprinkled it on top. I will take a container of squirtable whipped cream for extra adornment lol. 
I enjoy baking for my family! B-days are fun! Will purchase candles that spell out Happy Birthday to adorn the cake. Viola, fancy enough?
This daughter is a wonderful gal. Always helping her family, her sisters and me as well. I appreciate all that she does and I'm so proud!

Happy Birthday Britt! 

Thirty one? Omg,  can I just push pause for awhile? I haven't gotten to do what I want to do yet lol! 

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