I'm Unnerved by Arizona Dept. Of Child Services. This comes as no surprise as it has been touted all over the news as a horrific mess. The agency under Gov. Brewer's direction, was dismantled and revamped. Things appeared to be improving within the system for awhile. The following is my first hand experience from my "Gram" perspective in my dealings with this agency.
My two year old Granddaughter fell into a fire pit while in the care of her severly drug impaired Dad. The court had previously mandated only supervised visits for Dad as his drug impairment issues were known to the court. His parents were deemed the supervisors and the facilitators of these visits at their home. The severe burn injury happened in the backyard of their home. Dad had left 4 year old Nate and 2 year old Liz unattended by the fire while he went to the garage to get high. Liz tripped and fell into the fire leaving her with severe injuries! Liz had 3rd degree burns as she lingered on those coals, her left knee recieved the worst of it. This injury had her in the Maricopa Burn Center for over two weeks and two pig skin graft surgeries! A full year of recovery and therapy.
While in the hospital, my daughter and I spoke to the authorities and CPS was called in to speak with us. My daughter and I were assured that CPS would go investigate and take hair follicle drug test of Dad and the Grandparents to prove causation. As the months and criminal case against Dad progressed it became obvious that something had gone wrong in the case. My daughter was so busy raising the kids and working full time that she asked me to oversee the criminal case. She actually gave me proxy in overseeing it. I was so steamed and drained chasing my tail, trying to get some answers between the Mesa Police Dept. and CPS. I became so frustrated that I reached out to a local ABC 15 News. A journalist there, Lauren Gilger wanted to do this story! We spent a day online back
and forth trying to get to the bottom of where this case went wrong. We both determined it was the
failure of CPS. We didn't do the story as it was my daughter's story to tell and she was afraid to get the press involved.
When we went to court and all was said and done, it became obvious that CPS had dropped the ball! Come to find out they never drug tested Dad. They told us they asked him to submit to a drug test but he refused?! The prosecutor and the cop called to testify looked and my daughter and I with such downfallen eyes. We all knew the criminal case had been blown. Dad recieved a mere slap and pled out! I was heart sick for a long time. I kept thinking that I wanted to find a law or justification for CPS not demanding that he be drug tested. I wanted to lobby the piece of the law that precluded this drug addict from being drug tested. Assuming that their was one, before congress! I wanted them to call it Lizzy's law lol. I was so disheartened by the system!
Case #2 of which I am presently living...
Another daughter and her husband unfortunately have had several encounters with CPS amid various complaints. When CPS finally decided that my Granddaughter needed out of home placement, of course I stepped in. She has been living with me for the past 7 months. Because my Granddaughter is a ward of the state, I deal with CPS workers often. In the short amount of time I have had my Granddaughter, she has had 4 different case workers and an interim worker! I can't tell you the number of times I have been told that a worker has not been briefed on the case and they have no clue what's happening. I have needed assistance for various things and sometimes I don't even get a call back for two weeks at a time, if at all.
The most notable fumbling in this case came to our attention at a foster care review board meeting.
We had reported a criminal child abuse incident as it had been told to us by this child. The police
made reports. I took our Granddaughter in for a foresic interview. The allegation substancated by
my Granddaughter on camera. CPS was notified of the findings by the Maricopa County prosecutors
office " Crimes Against Children" dept. The case worker we had didn't feel it nessicary to report it to the court?! The Foster Care Review board had no inkling a criminal case was pending or the nature of the case. Nor was My Granddaughter's GAL, (attorney) for the case notified. This was such a surprise to find that the case worker didn't feel it nessicary to inform the court officals overseeing the case about an open criminal case?! That particular case worker along with many others have recently walked out! The dept. admits that a major walk out has just occurred. Leaving those of us in the system, without help and contact from any knowlegable source! It's a frightening feeling when you feel that the people that are supposed to be helping families haven't a clue or care about the children! It has become scary as if their is nobody left overseeing anything!
My Granddaughter's case has been reassigned to a dept of CPS that is an hour away from the original
department. My daughter is doing well now according to the Parent Aide assigned to the case. My
daughter is ready to take custody back according to this aide. My daughters husband has ditched the state. The majority of the issues upon the removal of my Granddaughter left with him... My daughter will need help and services beyond the return of my Granddaughter. God help me, I hope someone follows through to ensure a safe environment and quality of life for my Granddaughter! After having to deal with this branch of the government in two separate circumstances, I have totally lost all faith in the system! Kids are falling through the cracks right and left through this failed dept. This branch of our local goverment is fatally flawed resulting in a tremendous threat to the health and safety of at risk kids! OMG!
I want to see a change! Maybe I need to be proactive in telling my story to the right, effectual people, and
who might they be? Is anyone overseeing this department or is everyone running amuck?!