Sunday, March 29, 2015

Who Controls The Stars

Who Controls The Stars

If its written in the stars that we are who we are, then who controls the stars? I'm looking up above hoping to find peace and that all encompassing love- Sitting here, feeling empty. Surely someone up there sees what this life is for me, to have to overcome.  I've done it to myself with a choice I made long ago. I could sure use some help to turn things around.

Some acknowledgement from above that I'm worth more than this. More than, insults, constant blame and shame. This marriage is too hard. What a waste it will be if I never get to see, something good come from all this pain. I've waited decades for my time to shine and now I'm wishing on stars...Why am I the only who sees a pot of gold in me? 

Time is fleeting, my creators are gone. I'm left here alone to navigate. I miss them all so much, death is funny like that. Still I have a burning, yearning desire to accomplish and create. To be and to see all that I can do.  I'm looking for a hand up. I'm asking the universe to turn the tides for me. So I sit here wishing on stars and wondering who controls the stars. Waiting for someone to believe in me...

Who Controls The Stars

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