Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Feasting From My House...

                                                      My Gram's Cranberry Jello Salad. I love that I read the recipe from her handwriting on this recipe card. I have a whole file box of these cards... I'm thankful to have a remembrance of her at my Thanksgiving table. She was a special lady! Domestic Engineer  extrodinare! Her house was always quaint and lovely. Her food was delicious. I strive to have the same said about me.

This was taken before it was completely set hence the bubbles...

Seating for 12, Clarice kitty photo bomb lol....

Our feast... I made all of the sides myself, from scratch.

My Pilgrims and Indians...

It has been a crazy week. Cooking and cleaning and organizing and carrying food back and forth to the garage refrigerator. Now that Thanksgiving is over, the arduous task of switching the seasonal decor to Christmas is pending. Here I go...I'll start with a Christmas song here is a linkThe Christmas Song written by Nat King Colec
I hope you are enjoying this long weekend. Feasting on Thanksgiving dinner leftovers and pies!

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