Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Great,Greats That I Know and Love. My BFF's



 These are my two BFF's, Clarice and Twinkle. I absolutely adore my cats and, they know it. Something so incredibly comforting about having cats around. Each with very complex personalities! My meazer as I call her is rather snippy. She has acquired a few pet names lol. I call her Nipita Snipita because she is playful and bitey. I also refer to her as Reeses because her color and markings remind me of peanut butter cups. Twinkle my black beauty also has "pet" nicknames. She is sweet, mature in nature and sophisticated so I call her Twinkle Darling...and sometimes shes just "Twink". Her big golden eyes are as bright and clear as stars in the sky. Hence her name.

 My BBF's are as precious as they come. They put up with me and share their unique love to each of
us in our family. They spend hours just hanging out being present and visible in our lives no matter how boring we are. They aren't judgemental and always have a loving glance to impart when our eyes meet.  They cuddle and give freely little cat kisses on your arm or hand. When I'm sick they keep
quiet vigil over me till I'm up and around.  My daughter was 3 when I aquired Twink. It's been a night time ritual that Twink goes to bed with Zoe. I still refer to Twink as " babysitter kitty" even though Zoe is now 12 and hardly needs a sitter. In her hayday, Twink used to bring me " love" gifts from outside. Strangely, on Mother's Day and my Birthday she would do this I kid you not!

My cats are members of my family that I really cherish. When the time comes to say goodbye,it won't be easy. It never is...I feel blessed and fortunate to say that I have been lucky enough to have known and loved many unique, beloved cat creature BFF's. Never to be forgotten! My love to them all...If we really do get to reside in and enjoy an afterlife, I await to be reunited with each of them!

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