A Blog about life and living through my life experience and perspective. I am a writer, singer/songwriter childhood savant musician...Trying to find my niche and stake my place in society...
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
See, I Can Play The Violin Too? With My Keyboard I Can!

Friday, July 25, 2014
What's Going On In That Beautiful Mind???
Yesterday was a SoundCloud day! I took time off for me and played, " the keys to my happiness". I had a wonderful,peaceful and relaxing morning. I actually posted 6 new songs to my SoundCloud account. These are just the Chicago cover songs that I posted.
My love for Chicago goes way back to when I was 11 years old. 25 Or 6 to 4 was popular. I had just
joined the school band. I decided to try the flute. As soon as I was able to actually get a good quality sound to come out of my flute, I could play it. The fingering was rather easy and it was another instrument that I could just play. I was better at actually playing than the rest of my peers. My band
instructor would ask me to demonstrate to the band what random flute passages should sound like. I could never be first chair because I couldn't read music. This drove my wonderful band instructor nuts. He so wanted to teach me to read music. He really believed in my ability to play. He thought enough of my gift that he tried to help me.
He would pull me out of math and science classes to take me down to the band room to try to teach me to read. When I struggled, he would hum the passage and then of course, I got it and he would get frustrated with himself for humming it. I never did acquire the reading music skill. I haven't tried to learn how to read music as an adult. I even took private lessons from him at his house, Mom paid him. By this time I had picked up playing the saxophone too. To no avail, I just wanted to play. I never understood why I could play well but couldn't read music. I now believe that I had/have savant syndrome which is a form of autism I have found out. I have not been diagnosed with this but I'm
pretty darn sure that this explains a lot of my life struggles.
It's interesting how savant manifests. I found that I also have an uncanny ability for retaining medical terminology and business letter writing. I am however horrible with learning math. I have enough math skills for what I need in life but I'm almost phobic about having to try to learn math and take classes. I watched my husband recently struggle with Algebra I and II and I thought no way could I do that! No way would I want to put myself through that! I think it's so interesting what our brains can manifest. My father is a brilliant genius in science and chemistry! He was not so gifted with the business side of things. Which leads me to believe that none of us get to have it all. We can have heightened areas of genius but we lack in other areas of our lives...
Sunday, July 20, 2014
My Incredible Little Miss
This is Zoe's favorite of the songs that I cover. What a sweet supportive child she is. I love this kid and I'm grateful that we have a great time spending time together!We had a mother daughter evening out last night. We attending a wedding reception together. She loves weddings and is all about the dress! She would stop at every dress shop she encounters. She has been know to watch "Say Yes To The Dress" marathons! Such a girly girl! She has recently become interested in nail polish. She loves to replicate the nail art she sees on YouTube. I really am thoroughly enjoying my 12 year old!
This is Zoe's favorite of the songs that I cover. What a sweet supportive child she is. I love this kid and I'm grateful that we have a great time spending time together!We had a mother daughter evening out last night. We attending a wedding reception together. She loves weddings and is all about the dress! She would stop at every dress shop she encounters. She has been know to watch "Say Yes To The Dress" marathons! Such a girly girl! She has recently become interested in nail polish. She loves to replicate the nail art she sees on YouTube. I really am thoroughly enjoying my 12 year old!
Last night. Zoe and I went to a wedding reception!
Handstands at sunset. This was beautiful!
This child is remarkable. A wonderful and brilliant student! An agile beautiful dancer and gymnast. Sweet and caring person!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
The Savant In Me...
What I haven't said is this... I have been playing this song and many other covers since I was a young kid. I think I was 14 or 15 when this came out on vinyl. I didn't really have to learn learn it, I just knew how to play it... This is for the most part how I played then and to this day. Savantism is a form of autism I recently found out...this explains a lot to me about my learning issues as a kid. I wish I had a diagnosis as a kid. Maybe I would have had an easier time with math in school!
This song has been a favorite of mine to play for years. Some days I just want to play the piano....I can get lost for hours...
What I haven't said is this... I have been playing this song and many other covers since I was a young kid. I think I was 14 or 15 when this came out on vinyl. I didn't really have to learn learn it, I just knew how to play it... This is for the most part how I played then and to this day. Savantism is a form of autism I recently found out...this explains a lot to me about my learning issues as a kid. I wish I had a diagnosis as a kid. Maybe I would have had an easier time with math in school!
These are pics of our California trip this past spring. We went home to see family and enjoy the coast!
https://soundcloud.com/tyna-j-phipps/fools-overture-written-by-1This song has been a favorite of mine to play for years. Some days I just want to play the piano....I can get lost for hours...
Friday, July 18, 2014
Too Busy For Birthday Cake? What A Crazy Life We Live!
Tom and Nate
I made this cake with my Grandsons Tommy and Nathan yesterday for Britt's B-day. The boys mostly just hung out with me gave some creative input as to how we should make it look. It was fun to do with the boys. Unfortunately, Britt got so busy last night that she couldn't come back to enjoy it. So, it sits in my fridge this am. untouched! Meet the teacher night and homework precluded her from being able to have a slice of her B-day cake. If you know her, this speaks volumes about her dedication to getting her degree lol. Bless her heart she is always going, going and going! No time for just relaxing.
I will take this cake to her later today.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
You Are Making Me Old Kid!,
I posted my cover of All Of Me On Sound Cloud yesterday... This song comes to mind today...
Britt and kids on vacation with us last weekend.
Happy Birthday to my 30 year old daughter today! She's making me feel old! I had so wanted to be more accomplished by now lol... The boys are coming over in a little bit to bake a cake for Mom with me...
This song All Of Me comes to mind today. I posted it on Sound Cloud yesterday.
I posted my cover of All Of Me On Sound Cloud yesterday... This song comes to mind today...
Britt and kids on vacation with us last weekend.
This song All Of Me comes to mind today. I posted it on Sound Cloud yesterday.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Win, I Want To!
Today has been a lousy day. One of those days that you wish you could just Win. Well, I know we all have these days but I would like to change this bad day to a Win...http://youtu.be/3_eah8al8MU
I will leave you with these thoughts that come to mind...You can't get upset about the things you can't change. Tomorrow will be better. It only hurts for a little while. Cheer up... Into each life a little rain must fall... Must be more education for my honorary PhD.
My Hometown, Morro Bay!
I will leave you with these thoughts that come to mind...You can't get upset about the things you can't change. Tomorrow will be better. It only hurts for a little while. Cheer up... Into each life a little rain must fall... Must be more education for my honorary PhD.
My Hometown, Morro Bay!
Monday, July 14, 2014
Family Staycation At Marriot Starr Pass Resort , Tucson, AZ
Sunscreen! Britt and kids joined us!
Lazy River!
Splash Pad
Nathan and Tommy
Zoe and Paige
Howard and Lizzie
These are various pictures of our lovely Staycation at Marriot Starr Pass Resort in Tucson, AZ.
We just returned from this lovely destination. This was the best vacation we have ever had. Relaxing and serene nestled in the desert. We loved everything about this vacation. We have decided to make this an annual family event. This gives us a chance to save up and plan for next year! This destination is a couple hour drive for us from Phoenix. The perfect get-away distance!
We had a lovely three night stay here. The pools are clean and refreshing! We spent most of our time on the lazy river. I have a wicked sunburn to show for it. Even high SPF sunscreen is no match for the brutal AZ sunrays. By day three we were all wearing t-shirts and shorts in the pool over our swimsuits. One thing this resort does so well is promoting hydration! They had many lovely waterstations around the resort! They had many different fruit infused water selections to choose from! Beautiful and inviting! The kids had to sample many different fruit infusions. Wonderful presentation!
Friday, July 11, 2014
Dessert Greetings From Starr Pass Resort In Tucson.
Chocolate Cake with berries and vanilla icecream...
Creme Brulee
We are trying all that Starr Pass Resort has to offer!
Having a wonderful time in the lazy river.
View in Lobby
Infused Water Stations throughout the resort!
Breakfast Buffet
Zoe at Breakfast
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Hang In There, It Gets Better!
Casual Conversations written by Rick Davies
Who hasn't felt like this in their life? I'm sure if we are honest, most of us have in our long term relationships. It's about moving past this that makes or breaks you as a couple. I've found myself feeling this way plenty of times...
It's interesting the things that come up in our lives that cause us to drift apart. I'm watching my own kids go through very tough times with their husbands. My husband and I stay out of most of it but we do offer counsel and advice when they come to us for it. Mostly the problems that arise are financially driven. It's hard to watch your grown kids struggle in their marriages. Especially when they have kids. I know very well what I went through as a single Mom. The kids remember that also. I believe it has helped all of them understand that it's really best for everyone if they can stay and work it out. People/ relationships are not disposable! You can't just pick up another one and expect that is your answer. Relationships are hard and sometimes painful to endure. Especially with financial hardship on top of trying to work through other marriage related issues.
I feel for them always as I see the pain and suffering through the discord. They always seem to make it through and I'm always grateful. My husband has a great way of talking to my son in laws without judgement. This is something new and something that I really do appreciate! I'm finding that he can be extremely helpful at making sure my son in -laws feel that they have someone who they can talk and relate to. My husband and I have gone through a lot of issues ourselves and we divorced. We were apart for three years. In those three years we tore each other to shreds... When we realized that our 5 year old daughter was greatly impacted we decided to choose a different way... Working out our differences. We still have lots of issues to deal with but we decided that divorce doesn't work,
everyone loses. This I know to be true! We remarried 5 years ago. I believe that this life experience helps the kids see that working through things is possible even when you think all hope is lost!
I maybe should feel embarrassed about the fact our marriage failed and then we remarried. I'm ok with saying we had a lot of work to do on ourselves and as a couple. Watching our life experience, makes it real to my kids. They understand that the grass isn't always greener.
Hau and I.
Casual Conversations written by Rick Davies
Who hasn't felt like this in their life? I'm sure if we are honest, most of us have in our long term relationships. It's about moving past this that makes or breaks you as a couple. I've found myself feeling this way plenty of times...
It's interesting the things that come up in our lives that cause us to drift apart. I'm watching my own kids go through very tough times with their husbands. My husband and I stay out of most of it but we do offer counsel and advice when they come to us for it. Mostly the problems that arise are financially driven. It's hard to watch your grown kids struggle in their marriages. Especially when they have kids. I know very well what I went through as a single Mom. The kids remember that also. I believe it has helped all of them understand that it's really best for everyone if they can stay and work it out. People/ relationships are not disposable! You can't just pick up another one and expect that is your answer. Relationships are hard and sometimes painful to endure. Especially with financial hardship on top of trying to work through other marriage related issues.
I feel for them always as I see the pain and suffering through the discord. They always seem to make it through and I'm always grateful. My husband has a great way of talking to my son in laws without judgement. This is something new and something that I really do appreciate! I'm finding that he can be extremely helpful at making sure my son in -laws feel that they have someone who they can talk and relate to. My husband and I have gone through a lot of issues ourselves and we divorced. We were apart for three years. In those three years we tore each other to shreds... When we realized that our 5 year old daughter was greatly impacted we decided to choose a different way... Working out our differences. We still have lots of issues to deal with but we decided that divorce doesn't work,
everyone loses. This I know to be true! We remarried 5 years ago. I believe that this life experience helps the kids see that working through things is possible even when you think all hope is lost!
I maybe should feel embarrassed about the fact our marriage failed and then we remarried. I'm ok with saying we had a lot of work to do on ourselves and as a couple. Watching our life experience, makes it real to my kids. They understand that the grass isn't always greener.
Hau and I.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Tasting The World? That's One Way To Experience It!
This is my family. A daughter and several grandkids are missing from this pic. My husband is the guy in black and white. This was taken near Father's Day at the Talking Stick resort buffet.
I often think I should do a food blog locally since we have experienced many different eateries here in Phoenix. Talking Stick serves up the best casino buffet we have had here. From overall presentation to selection, hands down Talking Stick Resort! They have a beautiful dessert station! Every kind of delectable taste treat you could desire resides there. From mini parfaits to cannoli's, cakes to cream pies, cookies to gelato...pastries to tarts. Oh my gosh I've gained 10 pounds just thinking about it! I wish I had taken a picture that I could post here.
Anyway, much of our lives are spent enjoying the things we can taste. Taste the world! That is exactly how my husband views life. He wants to experience life by tasting all this world has to offer.
He is the most diverse eater I will ever encounter. He has tried almost every edible thing, I think. I
think he has overlooked his calling as a food critic. He loves the experience of fine food. He is incredibly discerning, not just your average eater. If it's less than par he can tell in an instant! He's taught me a lot about what good food is and what it tastes like. We have become rather snobby with our knowledgeable palates. Experience is the best teacher.
The downside is that I have to cook for this man. Mostly we just eat out on the weekends. So
Monday- Thursday I'm scrambling for ideas to make eating interesting. He gets pretty much the basics from me. I don't claim to be a great cook, I just cook. He gets down home Americanized food from me. He's come to except this in our 13 years together. I enjoy cooking for a crowd and baking the most. I love to host parties!
I often think I should do a food blog locally since we have experienced many different eateries here in Phoenix. Talking Stick serves up the best casino buffet we have had here. From overall presentation to selection, hands down Talking Stick Resort! They have a beautiful dessert station! Every kind of delectable taste treat you could desire resides there. From mini parfaits to cannoli's, cakes to cream pies, cookies to gelato...pastries to tarts. Oh my gosh I've gained 10 pounds just thinking about it! I wish I had taken a picture that I could post here.
Anyway, much of our lives are spent enjoying the things we can taste. Taste the world! That is exactly how my husband views life. He wants to experience life by tasting all this world has to offer.
He is the most diverse eater I will ever encounter. He has tried almost every edible thing, I think. I
think he has overlooked his calling as a food critic. He loves the experience of fine food. He is incredibly discerning, not just your average eater. If it's less than par he can tell in an instant! He's taught me a lot about what good food is and what it tastes like. We have become rather snobby with our knowledgeable palates. Experience is the best teacher.
The downside is that I have to cook for this man. Mostly we just eat out on the weekends. So
Monday- Thursday I'm scrambling for ideas to make eating interesting. He gets pretty much the basics from me. I don't claim to be a great cook, I just cook. He gets down home Americanized food from me. He's come to except this in our 13 years together. I enjoy cooking for a crowd and baking the most. I love to host parties!
This 4th Of July
St. Patrick's Day Parfaits
Christmas Party Dessert Table
Cupcakes for the G-kids
Thanksgiving Pies
See, told you, diverse eater... Chicken feet...
Pepperoni Pizza Casserole
Baked Ziti
Bundt Cake
Memorial Day Brownies
Christmas Party
St. Patrick's Day Cookies
More Sugar Cookies
Christmas Cake for G-Kids...
Christmas Cookies
Birthday Cake
More Christmas Cookies
Thanksgiving Dinner
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