Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fool's Overture, Which Fool, Me I Suppose...

Here is one of my all time favorite artists that I had the pleasure to see April of this year! Roger Hodgson. He was part of Supertramp years ago. This clip I took with my phone. I have long admired the genius that this guy is. He composed incredible music. I love and can cover a few of his noteable hits. Fool's Overture, Dreamer, Bonnie and Don't Leave Me Now are a few of his songs that I can

I understand that he probably is very protective of his music as many artists feel the
y must be. He is the only artist that I have encountered that takes this to an extreme. Maybe more are out there that I am unaware of. The very first cover video I ever posted on YouTube was Roger Hodgson's Fool's Overture. Much to my dismay, this video was taken down from my channel within 24 hours of my posting it. To add insult to injury, a copyright strike was issued against my account. I was really upset! My very first music video and I was already in trouble! My Facebook friends heard all about
this. This artist has social media dogs that troll YouTube and take down videos of anything and everything that has to do with his music. I read on the internet about people posting vacation videos that had a song of his in the background playing that were also taken down. Making his fans extremely furious!

Well, I was furious but decided that maybe if I asked his management company for permission, I
could repost my video. So I wrote a letter to him via his management company. I included a short clip of my video and made them aware that I am not profiting from his original. I explained that I am a 52 year old Gram/ housewife who posses no threat. I am not making any money from his music. I play
from my spare bedroom and my only interest in posting the video on my channel was mine. I explained that I'm lucky to get 50 views on any of my covers and that I'm a huge fan of Roger's
genius and it gives me pleasure to pay tribute in my own way. I really praised this man. I even sent them screen shots of other YouTube cover videos of the same song available for view on YouTube. I asked why mine had been refused. I never heard back from anyone. Here is a copy of the letter that I
wrote to his management company.

Dear Roger,
I recently asked your management company to allow me to cover "Fools Overture" on my YouTube

page. I enclosed a small clip of myself covering your song. In my enthusiasm after just having seen your concert, I posted my video along with a nice plug for and about you. Evergreen Social Media found my homemade video and took it down from my channel and issued to me a copyright strike against my YouTube account. I am a Mom of 4 and Grammy to 7 kids. I obviously am not trying to capitalize on your earnings or take away from your original in any way.
Please see clip ... I make no money covering your songs... I do this from my spare bedroom for my own entertainment. I'm lucky to have at most 50 views on some of my covers...I just admire your songs and your amazing musical genius. I'm personally hurt by the strike to my YouTube account. I don't think it is fair that by wanting to recreate something so inspiring to me, I should be punished. Also, I am having a problem understanding why my video was singled out considering I see several other cover videos of the same song available to view on YouTube...
If you won't allow my cover than why all of these?
Regardless, I would like to ask you to please have Evergreen Social Media remove the copyright strike against my account. I have learned my lesson and will never cover your music again. I apologize if I have caused any problems in doing so.
If nothing else this incident propelled me into a new way of thinking and I am writing songs of my own. I just uploaded my own original yesterday entitled " Something More Than Nothing ".
Please help me to regain my good standing with YouTube, I found copyright school to be a real eye opener...
Sincerely a big fan of yours,
Tyna J. Metzner
Sent from my iPad


Thinking that I didn't cite it properly, I edited my video info and reposted it. Just as before within a day my video was taken down and another copyright strike was issued against my account. So I wrote to the management company again explaining all of this...this time asking if they can remove the copyright strikes from my YouTube account. I heard nothing back. I explained that I had learned
my lesson and that I found copyright school to be a real eyeopener. The consequence YouTube imposes on you for two copyright offenses. Three strikes your channel is gone.

Having been served two copyright strikes for the same artist and song I've decided it's pretty costly for me to be his fan. I like ya buddy but I don't love you that much. Thanks... Is this really how he wants his fans to feel? Not too impressed...Awwwwwww damn, I'm crushed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isn't it interesting that something could become this ridiculous- now instead of praising the guy and posting your interpretation - which would give him free advertising - we all think he stinks!