Saturday, August 2, 2014

Nostalgia Or Showing My Age, Take Your Pick...

Why is it that cars break down in twos when you have two... My car had issues a few days ago. My husband tried twice to replace the fan assembly unit only to find out it was a plug that goes to the fan that was broken. We finally took it to a shop. I just got it back this evening. Now, my husbands vehicle is over heating, we think it's the water pump. So looks like a few more days of being car less... Thats what happens when you have old, old cars! Still beats having huge car payments I guess.

Today I was thinking nostalgic thoughts. So in keeping with this  I'm posting my cover of a song from Chicago V called Alma Mater. It wasn't a billboard topper or even released as a hit. It was just a Terry Kath song that I have always loved. Another song that I could just play, Although I think I picked this song up in my 30's. I loved Terry Kath. His soulful voice and incredible talent as a guitarist made him  a gifted artist. A troubled gifted artist...Unfortunately he met his end of life in such a tragic and thoughtless way. Awww! His music lives on in my heart and on my YouTube and SoundCloud channel. Here are two songs that featured Terry Kath that I play.


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