Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Covering My Authentic Incredible Idol

Covering My Authentic Incredible Idol

Two Of Us- Written by Roger Hodgson formerly of Supertramp. This, is my cover.
I still have hope that I will one day meet this amazing songwriter! I can’t tell you the number of posts I’ve written that feature my adoration for the brilliance and gifted talent this man exude. Words can’t express how his songs touch my heart. This song is no exception! It’s so sweet,humble and unpretentious. I can envision Roger all alone in the wilderness strumming a guitar and singing this. His closeness to a higher power, “God” is so obvious in his songs. Chords, vocals and the tugging at heartstrings through his music is his gift.
I interpreted this cover, on my keyboard in a Grand Piano Voice. The vocals like many Roger Hodgson vocals are unique to him. Trying to cover/ copy his vocal styling is difficult at best. Although, I’m sure that his authentic sound is indigenous to only his creations. I hope that I can at least offer a heartfelt attempt to convey the sweetness of the original. 
I have no clue what I could possibly say to this artist that hasn’t already been said to him? Imagine hearing people tell you the most wonderful heartfelt things about your music every day? Well, I suppose echoing back a song isn’t appreciated? It is however etched in my heart and so, I shall try. I think I would like to dwell in just being in his presence for a min. Even if only in my mind… 
Never give up on your dreams no matter how ridiculous they may seem. When you set about the process of living out your dreams, you become your authentic self! When you dare to dream, you set in motion a chain reaction of inner peace and happiness. Even if your dreams are never realized, your effort is perceived by your inner self as being genuine and authentic. It will make your soul smile! 

Author: tynajoymetzner

I've been a stay at home Mom for many years...Have earned a PhD in life experience. My oldest is 33 and my youngest is 15. This year, I adopted my 5 year old Granddaughter. On a quest to see all that I can be now. I am a musician, singer/ songwriter. In the process of trying to become marketable. Please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel Would love to make money doing what I love! I love to do many domestic things also. Nothing I do seems to be profitable. Guess I am at a point in life that I would like to be compensated . My whole life I have given freely. I recently had a the wonderful opportunity to submit my music to Warner Bros Records for consideration to the label! They liked my music but requested that I get in the game by acquiring 20k followers. Appearantly, that what it takes to get signed to a major label! Sure WB, I'm working on it! You have to have a huge following to land a recording contract. Gone are the days where a label can and will make you...

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