Simply Something More

This will give Zoe leadership opportunity that will help her on a college application. Not to mention a personally enriching experience I bet. Thrilled for her to have this opportunity!
Plenty is going on here but I took an afternoon yesterday to have some me time!
Click on the link

This pie has molasses in it and it caramelized. It tastes like pumpkin flan lol. It tastes better than it looks…
One of my grown daughters was extremely ill a few days ago. Diagnosed with pneumonia after having the flu last week. She never gets sick like this so I decided to make a big couple of pots of soup. Chicken, barley and a ton of different vegetables went into this soup. Loaded with vitamins and some protein I wanted to make a hot meal that I thought might help her recover.
I was pretty worried when I saw this!

She had just gotten back from the Dr. with a bunch of meds she was preparing to take when she sent me this pic! I’m glad to say that the meds kicked in quickly and she is doing and feeling a whole lot better! Scary!
Anyway, I bought a nice loaf of crusty bread and boiled some wide egg noodles for options to go with the soup. Delcee really appreciated the soup. She kept telling me how it really helped. I think she really appreciated being able to have a cooked meal for her kids to eat that she didn’t have to worry about making. That was my hope anyway…
Home improvement is always ongoing. The joys of home ownership. We have had the drapes for about 3 months but we didn’t have time to put them up. Finally got around to covering these new windows which are 18 months old now lol. Like a herd of turtles…

I am thrilled with the outcome!
I had these other panels that I bought a few years ago. I thought I would try to sell them but instead I decided to hang them in the dining room. A mini make-over in my entire front room. I’m loving them as well! 

Yesterday was our first 100 degree day of this year. 100 degrees on April 10! What will summer be like, that’s a little concerning lol. Today won’t be that warm here in Phoenix. Maybe just 95… Already getting hot!