Click on the arrow, I’ve uploaded the song right here on my post! Thanks for taking the time to listen! Some days you just want to play it all and this is one of those days!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Mine starts out with yet another Thunder girls lacrosse game. Zoe only has a few more games left of the lacrosse season. She has done well and really loves it! This is her second year. Next year she may move up to varsity!
This has been a busy season with practices and games 2-3 of them per week. All over Phoenix!

Author: tynajoymetzner
I've been a stay at home Mom for many years...Have earned a PhD in life experience. My oldest is 33 and my youngest is 15. This year, I adopted my 5 year old Granddaughter. On a quest to see all that I can be now. I am a musician, singer/ songwriter. In the process of trying to become marketable. Please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel Would love to make money doing what I love! I love to do many domestic things also. Nothing I do seems to be profitable. Guess I am at a point in life that I would like to be compensated . My whole life I have given freely. I recently had a the wonderful opportunity to submit my music to Warner Bros Records for consideration to the label! They liked my music but requested that I get in the game by acquiring 20k followers. Appearantly, that what it takes to get signed to a major label! Sure WB, I'm working on it! You have to have a huge following to land a recording contract. Gone are the days where a label can and will make you...
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