This week has been fraught with things I didn't want to do and things I didn't want to think about! Admin/ household business chores, just to pay bills is a fight sometimes with creditors. Keeping on top of the business of life is a pain. Stressful sometimes. Worth it to fight hard when you have to.
A close relative had a leg amputated @ 80 years old on Monday. Vascular disease created such a blockage that her foot died. Horrible things can happen to you in old age... not fun to think about. Agonizing with someone over the loss of a limb, not fun.
This, was way more fun to think about! My ever so brief escape from the harsh realities that surround my thoughts.
Desperado (cover) My latest SoundCloud Link
I baked a batch of cupcakes for a family get together to color Easter eggs this afternoon. My daughter Delcee and Granddaughter Kadee will be with us to dye eggs. Pizza and cupcakes lol healthy? Not! Fun? Maybe a little!
I have decided that getting old isn't for sissies... I have also decided that should I ever encounter the need for chronic pain management- Medical marijuana would be the way I would want to manage my pain. No opioids for me thank you! I have no desire to become an opioid addict in my old age ugh!
Definitely reminds me to eat like this...P.V.D. Is a horrible disease. When you have to start loosing body parts of yourself to a disease that progresses till it takes you...Not a fun way to go! My husbands side of the family has these issues. My parents both had smoking related issues but nothing else.

This is probably too much food but it was so delicious! Almond butter is so good! Staying physically active, drinking a lot of water and trying to eat a healthy diet is the way I'm trying to avoid the meds of old age. Why take a magic pill when taking a power walk everyday might cure ya? No magic pills please!

Amelia just made this lovely picture for me. It reminds me to think like a kid. Life can be joyous, light hearted and freeing when you aren't bogged down with the business of life and living. I gotta say, I ran hard on these two legs during a walk jog this week. I will never take these legs for granted and I'm so grateful to have them! Thank you God!
Happy Easter to all! Hope it's a joyful, joyous celebration of life for all of you❤️!
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