St. Patrick’s Day And A Place To Play
I pretty much spent St. Patrick’s Day in the kitchen lol. Preparing food or cleaning up. Holidays are like that! Having been out of state for the better part of a week, I rather enjoyed a cooking and feasting day.
Could It Be Magic-YouTube Link
please listen!
Could It Be Magic-SoundCloud Link (please subscribe)
All of the effort and energy put forth to construct these media channels… It’s been fun and sometimes rewarding. The feeling of playing live is absolutely amazing! The reaction from people and the smiles… what an awesome feeling to look out and see the reaction and interaction. Omg It was awesome! I felt like I could go with that and run. I know somehow instinctively that I could do it! I could play somewhere. I just need to find a venue in which to launch from. It was just the experience that I needed to have to know that I could and be well received.
Surely, there’s a place for me. I’ve thought long and hard about doing something with all of this music. Especially the music that I have composed/written. What has come to me in my own head, seems to be like movie soundtrack scores lol. It is rather classical and unending… If I could work with say Warner Bros., Hallmark or any studio my originals would fit there. See if maybe you agree?
Here is the link to my YouTube Channel
– Tyna J Phipps- YouTube Channel– Please Subscribe!
Something More Than Nothing YouTube
Live video
There ya go! If I could get more support from my readers and listeners it could change my life in a positive and big way! I could transition into my dream job. I just need people to support me by subscribing to my channels and *SHARE* my music!
Rap has taken over SoundCloud. Very few other genres exist. It’s sad…
In fact, Rap has taken over the music industry period. Very few true musicians remain…I would like to one of them! What you won’t get from me is any kind of political agenda. My opinions on that will remain solely private and not shared lol!
I dare say the only social awareness that I stand up for and publicly endorse is that of domestic abuse /violence. I wrote a song about that!
Thanks for taking the time to get acquainted with my music and my dream! Please help me along in my journey.
Share it with your friends, share it with your colleagues just share it! Please and thank you!!!